Family & Relationships Friends & Friendship

How To Get A Guy To Notice You - 6 Simple And Easy Tips To Grab His Attention

If you are wondering how you are going to ever make one guy like you, it is better to ask yourself first some questions as to how to get a guy to notice you. In fact, it is common for girls to be asking countless of questions regarding making guys notice them, especially that they badly want to be in a steady relationship during their teen years. Actually making a guy like you is so simple and easy if you will just follow these simple tips.

1. Dress attractively. Make it a point that you are always specially and attractively dressed. You do not have to change yourself into someone else. It is enough that you dress up in a very attractive manner to catch his attention right away.
2. Smile a lot and keep eye contact. This is a very effective way of how to get a guy to notice you. Yes, smiling at a guy you really like can bring positive results especially if you are interested in making him a prospective boyfriend in the future.

3. Start a conversation. By setting off with a simple hi or hello, you will be able to succeed in catching his attention. After which you may start some interesting talking points, to sustain the conversation which will of course, lead to the getting to know each other stage crucial for developing a relationship. This has been proven to be another effective way by which you can answer your question of how to get a guy to notice you.

4. Make him your friend. Get him to discuss some things about himself further to establish a strong sense of connection with the guy. Also, that way, you will be able to find out if you have many things in common. It is important that when the two of you are talking, you should give him your 100% concentration, so that he will feel that you are really interested in him. Make sure you do not make any interruption when he is the one talking; that way, he will be noticing how sweet you are.

5. Try to know him further. That way, you will instantly know how to get a guy to notice you. Keep talking to him until finally you are able to find out what are the things he truly likes in a girl. Try knowing his lifestyle, as well as his activities everyday of his life. And should he be active in one sport you are also fond of, you might as well join him in playing. Really, having the same leisurely activities and hobbies are a sure key for your guy to definitely notice you right away. What is more, the two of you may even consider joining a club, and therefore get to now each other better.

6. Flirt with him. Yes, the proven most effective way, in fact, of how to get a guy to notice you. It is either you start flirting with him to intensify his focus of attention on you. Or better yet, try flirting around with some other guys, as this might trigger a more positive result for you.
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