Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Causes and Treatments of Lower Back Pain

Back Agony Discomfort in the area above the legs and below the ribs is known as lower back pain.
Most of the body weight rests on the lower back which could cause a lot of tension on it.
It gets even more strained when you reach out to something, life it or stretch at length.
Back agony isn't a consistent formula in nature.
It could be lifeless or too much or may shape up suddenly or develop gradually.
It may also occur together with muscle cramps and may be accompanied by numbness, pain and tingling sensation in the legs.
The most usual causes of lower back pain are- spinal stenosis, osteoarthritis, spinal deformities and any injuries caused to the muscles or the ligaments.
Apart from these reasons, there are a few other causes that might lead to lower back pain.
They are- aortic aneurysm, peptic ulcers, gall bladder illness and pancreatitis.
There are numerous medication available to treat lumbar region agony.
They can help reduce the pain as well as inflammation that may sometimes accompany it.
Ibuprofen and Naproxen are 2 such medications that are truly effective at treating back agony if taken regularly.
Also, if you suffer with protracted back pain then you might take tricyclic and tetracyclic antidepressant medicines.
They are very effective in treating this condition.
Corticosteroid injections and anesthetics are the following way to block the sensation of agony and ease inflammation.
Besides these medications, there are several other therapies as well that can help treat lumbar region discomfort.
Backbone adjustment is one such treatment.
It can be performed by a chiropractor, osteopath or a physical therapy spine specialist.
Alternatively, heat or cold packs might also be used to treat the problem.
If you want to use heat therapy you can make use of heating pads or take a shower with warm water.
The heat stretches the tissues that are in pain and provides relief.
Cold therapy, on the other hand, numbs the nerves carrying the pain and provides relief.
Wrap some ice in a towel and use it to the affected area.
Acupuncture is another nonconventional method to relieve lower back pain.
In acupuncture, a trained professional pierces some points on your skin with minuscule needles.
The depth of the needles in awfully shallow and does not cause any pain.
Some studies show that acupuncture is better way to reduce discomfort than medicinal treatment.
There are many exercises as well that can help treat the problem.
Here are some of them.
Pelvic Tilt Lie straight on the floor.
Bend your knees.
Hold your abdominal muscles tight.
Your lower back should touch the floor.
Stay in the same position for five minutes and then relax.
Repeat this couple of times.
Back Stretch Lie on your belly straight on the floor.
Now with aid from your palms, attempt to lift your higher body.
Go in for 10 repetitions each day.
Knee to Chest Keep your legs straight and lie down on your back.
Move your one knee up to the chest while keeping the other one grounded to the floor.
Stay in the position for five seconds and then relax.
Repeat the same with the other leg and practice it five times each day.
Therefore , you could fight lumbar region pain with the help of the above stated medicines or alternative treatment methods.
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