Warts can occur in any part of the body. They do not occur spontaneously (as stated by many websites). When warts start materializing on the genital regions (of males and females) the condition is termed as genital warts. It is a sexually transmitted disease (in fact, it is the most commonly transmitted STD). The condition can occur to males and females regardless of their age, cast or culture! Ample insight into the condition along with the treatment methods will be outlined in the coming passages.
Genital warts are caused by the transmission of a virus from the host to the donor. The name of the virus is HPV (human papilloma virus). Ironically researchers are still working on deriving a connection between the transmission of a virus and the occurrence of warts on the genitals. Sexual promiscuous nature is spreading among the common generation. There was a time when people used to exercise discretion when it came to choosing their sexual partners. These days literally anyone will be able to "hook up" with a person of the same or opposite sex and indulge in all types of activities. Sadly, they are gifted with genital warts!
It is not necessary to outline the symptoms of this medical condition. The warts will be present on the sexual organs. Sometimes, it might spread to other regions also. The warts will be moderately painful. Talk about being presented with the condition, when you were craving for pleasure! The use of protective materials while indulging in sexual activities with a stranger is recommended to contain the condition. Sometimes, the warts are known to propagate even in the presence of protective measures. The number of warts will increase eventually - this will accelerate the pain levels greatly!
The treatment options are as follows. There is no specific treatment for the condition. Before you think that I am playing tricks with your mind, please do read on. Physicians are known to treat the condition according to the symptoms displayed. By all probabilities, they will prescribe skin creams that will remove the warts - in due course of time. In fact, this is the common treatment method that is opted for by the doctors all over the globe. If you are ina hurry, and if you have ample cash to burn, surgeries are available that will aid in the faster removal of the genital warts.
The latest treatment technology is to freeze the warts initially by using liquid nitrogen and removing them subsequently. The sensation of the region will be nullified (this will help in localized surgical procedures) and the wart cells will be destroyed in the process, likewise. A common gripe of the situation is the recurrence of the warts. It has been noted that one some people, the genital warts might resurface again (at a later stage). According to researchers, the presence of sparse, remnant HPV on the body will lead to recurrence. Practice safe sexual activities and choose your partner with discretion (like you used to do).
Genital warts are caused by the transmission of a virus from the host to the donor. The name of the virus is HPV (human papilloma virus). Ironically researchers are still working on deriving a connection between the transmission of a virus and the occurrence of warts on the genitals. Sexual promiscuous nature is spreading among the common generation. There was a time when people used to exercise discretion when it came to choosing their sexual partners. These days literally anyone will be able to "hook up" with a person of the same or opposite sex and indulge in all types of activities. Sadly, they are gifted with genital warts!
It is not necessary to outline the symptoms of this medical condition. The warts will be present on the sexual organs. Sometimes, it might spread to other regions also. The warts will be moderately painful. Talk about being presented with the condition, when you were craving for pleasure! The use of protective materials while indulging in sexual activities with a stranger is recommended to contain the condition. Sometimes, the warts are known to propagate even in the presence of protective measures. The number of warts will increase eventually - this will accelerate the pain levels greatly!
The treatment options are as follows. There is no specific treatment for the condition. Before you think that I am playing tricks with your mind, please do read on. Physicians are known to treat the condition according to the symptoms displayed. By all probabilities, they will prescribe skin creams that will remove the warts - in due course of time. In fact, this is the common treatment method that is opted for by the doctors all over the globe. If you are ina hurry, and if you have ample cash to burn, surgeries are available that will aid in the faster removal of the genital warts.
The latest treatment technology is to freeze the warts initially by using liquid nitrogen and removing them subsequently. The sensation of the region will be nullified (this will help in localized surgical procedures) and the wart cells will be destroyed in the process, likewise. A common gripe of the situation is the recurrence of the warts. It has been noted that one some people, the genital warts might resurface again (at a later stage). According to researchers, the presence of sparse, remnant HPV on the body will lead to recurrence. Practice safe sexual activities and choose your partner with discretion (like you used to do).