Health & Medical Mental Health

Obsessive Thoughts - What to Do About Them

Obsessive thoughts haunt those who don't know how to customize their own thought lives.
It's not your fault however! You were not trained to do so.
We have been trained ever since we were young that we have to work with the hand that we are dealt.
Most people who are successful simply throughout their hand if they didn't like it and went and got the cards they want so to speak.
How can you get rid of your obsessive thoughts? You should know that obsessive thoughts are a form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and if you reading this right now, chances are you have OCD.
You don't need to worry though because OCD is not some disease or cureless malady.
It's actually very misunderstood, even by most "professionals.
" So the best people to learn about how to stop obsessive thoughts are from those who have had them and beat them.
I had OCD since I was seven years old until about five years ago when I learned how to eradicate it from my life.
Some of the things that you can do to stop obsessive thoughts are to stop fighting the thoughts.
If I were to sit there and tell you not to think about dead cats and I kept saying this to you, could you really not think about them? Seeing as Obsessive Thoughts are Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and that we know we cannot fight the thoughts, what is it that we can do? The most counterintuitive thing that we can do is to allow the thoughts to be there.
That's right, I know it sounds maybe crazy, maybe generic, but trust me on this because it will make your life easier.
What I want you to do from now on when you have obsessive thoughts is to just allow them to be there, accept that they are there and then I want you to practice introducing new thoughts along with the obsessive thoughts.
This is not something will work well after only a few tries, this takes repetition.
You see, by doing this you are forming a new habit by telling your mind, "yes, I understand that is what I am thinking about now, but I want to think about this.
" Your brain will get used to you telling it what to do and not the other way around so to speak.
If you understand that what gives us the ability to think is the ability to be able to talk to ourselves and have an inner dialogue or conversation with ourselves.
Obsessive thoughts cannot last if we take control of our minds by learning several different mind control techniques.
I've prepared some powerful OCD resources for you below, enjoy!
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