Over the years, my family has accumulated a lot of stuff.
We are not hoarders by any means, but the collection of valuable and nostalgic items grown to massive proportions, even with regular weeding, reevaluation, and disposal.
There are just some things that we won't give away, and we are running out of space.
As I looked at the collection of items on the shelf in my garage, I saw many things that I want to keep but that only get used one in a blue moon.
I decided to organize and box some of those things up just to make space, and in the process, thought about the self storage place that I saw a few blocks from where we live.
I checked it out and found that their prices were far more affordable than what I imagined, and gathered the family together to start a big project of clutter elimination.
Everyone had a criteria for things they wanted to store, and we spent the better part of the weekend boxing and loading.
In the end, we had our new storage space only about 25% full, but everything was organized, and the house looked much better for it.
Now we have plenty of space in and throughout the home, which I assume will most likely be filled again with new stuff.
On the bright side, we now also have a solution for keeping the clutter out of our home while keeping some of our long term treasures safe and secure.
We are not hoarders by any means, but the collection of valuable and nostalgic items grown to massive proportions, even with regular weeding, reevaluation, and disposal.
There are just some things that we won't give away, and we are running out of space.
As I looked at the collection of items on the shelf in my garage, I saw many things that I want to keep but that only get used one in a blue moon.
I decided to organize and box some of those things up just to make space, and in the process, thought about the self storage place that I saw a few blocks from where we live.
I checked it out and found that their prices were far more affordable than what I imagined, and gathered the family together to start a big project of clutter elimination.
Everyone had a criteria for things they wanted to store, and we spent the better part of the weekend boxing and loading.
In the end, we had our new storage space only about 25% full, but everything was organized, and the house looked much better for it.
Now we have plenty of space in and throughout the home, which I assume will most likely be filled again with new stuff.
On the bright side, we now also have a solution for keeping the clutter out of our home while keeping some of our long term treasures safe and secure.