Health & Medical Mental Health

What Is Schizophrenia? A Brief Discussion on Paranoid Schizophrenia

Many people have a friend or family member that suffers or has suffered from a mental illness at some point.
While there are many types of mental illnesses, one of the most devastating on the sufferer in addition to family members as well as friends is schizophrenia disorder.
This article seeks to answer the question "What is schizophrenia?" and provides a brief discussion on paranoid schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia affects approximately 1% of the population and can affect anyone young or old, male or female.
It can be difficult to properly diagnose this illness because the schizophrenia symptoms may be similar to other mental illnesses such as depression, bipolar disorder, etc.
What is Schizophrenia Disorder? This is a brain illness that leads a marked disruption in emotion and cognition which affect various aspects or a human being such as thought processes, perception, language, self concept, etc.
A schizophrenic's entire self concept and sense of self completely changes.
When suffering from the various schizophrenia symptoms, they can change to someone who is totally unrecognizable from what they were before the episode which can be quite devastating on the sufferer and their loved ones.
The effects of schizophrenia can also be devastating on the sufferer's life and their ability to care for themselves.
This is in addition to becoming a danger to themselves as well as to others.
Symptoms of Schizophrenia The various symptoms of schizophrenia are broken down into positive schizophrenia symptoms, disorganized schizophrenia symptoms and negative schizophrenia symptoms.
The main type of schizophrenia symptoms relate to delusions and paranoia.
The schizophrenic may believe that they are someone other than who they are and it is nearly impossible to convince them otherwise when they are in a state of delusion.
This then leads to hallucinations of hearing voices that no one else hears, seeing things that no one else sees, smelling things that no one else smells, etc.
Schizophrenics also experience disorganized speech and thinking when going through a schizophrenic episode.
Disorganized schizophrenia symptoms include having trouble understanding, having trouble with memory, lack of concentration, not being able to properly integrate feeling, behaviors and thoughts, etc.
Catatonic schizophrenia is evidenced by increased inactivity or appearing to be in a stupor.
The schizophrenic symptoms associated with catatonia include standing still for extended periods of time, staring at something for long periods of time and other trance-like behaviors.
Negative schizophrenia symptoms may include but are not limited to an inability to enjoy various activities and hobbies that they enthusiastically participated in before, sleeping or sitting for long periods of time, no motivation, lack of interest in life, little to no emotions, etc.
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