Business & Finance Personal Finance

Social Security & State of Ohio Benefit Rules

    Ohio Residency

    • Only Ohio residents are eligible to receive Ohio's SSDI or SSI benefits. Although each state administers its own rules, states including Ohio follow the federal government's eligibility criterion.

    Disability Determination

    • The Ohio Bureau of Disability Determination must find the Ohio resident is unable to work for at least 12 months due to a significant or substantial mental or physical impairment that interferes with at least one major life activity. Individuals must be completely disabled and unable to perform any type of work. A major life activity is one a healthy individual can perform with almost no difficulty. According to the federal government, walking and talking are considered major life activities. The Ohio Bureau of Disability Determination may ask for expert opinions from physicians, psychologists or any other professionals qualified to make the disability determination.

    CFR's List of Impairments

    • For applicants to receive SSA benefits, SSA requires applicants medically prove the existence of a permanent physical or mental impairment that precludes the disabled applicant from performing a substantial major life activity. Section 401.1525 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations provides a comprehensive list of permanent disabilities, which are considered sufficiently significant to preclude the applicant from finding gainful employment. The list of illnesses is permanent in nature and will eventually cause the applicant's death or last at least one year. If the applicant's specific disability is not incorporated within the CFR, then the SSA requires a professional certification and opinion from a licensed physician or psychologist attesting to the permanent and completely debilitating nature of the disability.

    Limited Income

    • SSDI is provided to disabled individuals who have accrued enough work credits through paying Social Security employment taxes to qualify for SSDI. SSI, on the other hand, is provided to disabled or blind, low-income and needy individuals who may not have accrued enough work credits to qualify for SSDI's total insurance pool. SSDI is typically preferable for most individuals because it offers the option of providing benefits to the disabled individual's eligible dependents and survivors upon death. The specific amount of disability income will depend upon the applicant's total income and financial resources. Ohio's Bureau of Disability Determination will require the applicant to complete a disability application and provide financial proof of limited income and resources.

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