Many people in the network marketing industry rely on working off the Internet in their local and warm market or practicing old school business-building methods like calling mlm phone leads.
Many are reluctant to use those techniques. Many have had disappointing results. Therefore, more and more networkers are looking for online methods to generate mlm leads.
The basic way to generate leads on the Internet is to put up a website or landing page, drive traffic to it, and get a percentage of visitors to opt in by filling out a form asking for their contact information. Increasing web site traffic is a major topic in itself and is covered in a separate article. The other important part of lead generation is raising the percentage of visitors who opt in when you get them to your site. This is called conversion.
Here are the 9 major methods we teach our team members to increase conversion at their website or landing page. Top results with conversion begin with effective website design. You must design the website or landing page to do just one thing and do it efficiently...get as many people as possible to opt in.
Your page should have a clean layout, be fast loading, simple to read, and deliver the information the visitor is expecting to see.
Do not include links pointing off to other pages. Avoid using flashing images and other distractions.
Like in all other advertising, a strong headline is critical. If you don't capture their attention, you will not get them to opt in.
Make it simple and clear what they need to do. As an example, tell them to enter their first name and email address in the box below.
Make it clear what the prospect will get for opting in. People are increasingly hesitant about giving out their personal information. Make it clear you have what they want.
Do not ask for any unnecessary information on the opt in form. The less information you ask for, the better your conversion rate will usually be.
Offer a bonus to get more optins.
Maintain and display a clear No-spam policy.
Continually test different versions of your website or landing page. That is the only way to really know what delivers the highest results.
Getting a larger number of your website traffic to opt in is just as important as driving more traffic to your website or landing page. Learn how to increase conversion on your website or landing page and you will generate more mlm leads.
Many are reluctant to use those techniques. Many have had disappointing results. Therefore, more and more networkers are looking for online methods to generate mlm leads.
The basic way to generate leads on the Internet is to put up a website or landing page, drive traffic to it, and get a percentage of visitors to opt in by filling out a form asking for their contact information. Increasing web site traffic is a major topic in itself and is covered in a separate article. The other important part of lead generation is raising the percentage of visitors who opt in when you get them to your site. This is called conversion.
Here are the 9 major methods we teach our team members to increase conversion at their website or landing page. Top results with conversion begin with effective website design. You must design the website or landing page to do just one thing and do it efficiently...get as many people as possible to opt in.
Your page should have a clean layout, be fast loading, simple to read, and deliver the information the visitor is expecting to see.
Do not include links pointing off to other pages. Avoid using flashing images and other distractions.
Like in all other advertising, a strong headline is critical. If you don't capture their attention, you will not get them to opt in.
Make it simple and clear what they need to do. As an example, tell them to enter their first name and email address in the box below.
Make it clear what the prospect will get for opting in. People are increasingly hesitant about giving out their personal information. Make it clear you have what they want.
Do not ask for any unnecessary information on the opt in form. The less information you ask for, the better your conversion rate will usually be.
Offer a bonus to get more optins.
Maintain and display a clear No-spam policy.
Continually test different versions of your website or landing page. That is the only way to really know what delivers the highest results.
Getting a larger number of your website traffic to opt in is just as important as driving more traffic to your website or landing page. Learn how to increase conversion on your website or landing page and you will generate more mlm leads.