On the market now is a new innovative product called the backpack swag. Made from durable, lightweight fabric that dries quickly to prevent mildewing. While also having the necessary mosquito mesh that is all zippered for opened and closed ventilation to prevent unwanted pests the ability to invade your peaceful sleep. A highly portable outdoor shelter than can be used by the occasional camper or the serious outdoors individual in need of some form of overnight sleeping protection.
When hiking to a remote campsite the swag becomes an easy to carry backpack with durable, adjustable straps to fit everyone. Or if you prefer it has a luxurious soft molded carry handle.
They are designed for use by hikers who venture into the most remote regions looking for an experience with nature not found in RV parks.
Equipped with a durable KEVLAR loop it will allow you to attach an external cable lock for storing security in public camping areas. Wherever you might find yourself, protect the product from possible theft, whether at the beach, camping, or even at a park.
Beginning with the industrial strength material the swag is long lasting and comes with seam sealed edges for added durability as well as adding to the watertight protection. All those aid in the construction of this outdoor shelter, making it a waterproof, comfortable extendable bed for those in need.
Boaters are able to stow these lightweight, durable backpacks on their boats for instant camping at a moments notice, taking up virtually no room at all. There is also available an inside pocket with a brass key to provide the safe storage of your personal items.
As an outdoor shelter they will provide needed protection from the wind or rain, but creating an outdoor cave like shelter. And come with a Velcro front pocket made from the same tough, durable material as an added feature.
With a sleeping area that is almost two feet wide and six feet four inches long, they are suitable for even the larger individuals. The fast drying material will keep mildew under control when in your camping situations, such as the beach or in a damp forest.
Original design is focusing on the outdoors person, the hunter, camper or hiker, while it can serve a purpose for just the traveler by providing spontaneous sleeping conditions anywhere you might find yourself. Do you know about the Backpack Swag? Also make sure to visit my site about fishing and boating products.
Durability, lightweight easy to store are some of the most valued commodities when it comes to camping gear, and this product focuses on all of them. By providing a tough exterior material and a soft EVA foam mattress, the backpack swag can be a long lasting part of anyone's camping supplies.
Weighing less than eleven pounds it becomes something even the smaller person can handle.
No longer do you need to throw away that worn out camping gear, this could possibly be that part of your camping gear that you use for years.
Designed for the camping enthusiast, hiker, or even the homeless with its durability and cave like shelter.
When hiking to a remote campsite the swag becomes an easy to carry backpack with durable, adjustable straps to fit everyone. Or if you prefer it has a luxurious soft molded carry handle.
They are designed for use by hikers who venture into the most remote regions looking for an experience with nature not found in RV parks.
Equipped with a durable KEVLAR loop it will allow you to attach an external cable lock for storing security in public camping areas. Wherever you might find yourself, protect the product from possible theft, whether at the beach, camping, or even at a park.
Beginning with the industrial strength material the swag is long lasting and comes with seam sealed edges for added durability as well as adding to the watertight protection. All those aid in the construction of this outdoor shelter, making it a waterproof, comfortable extendable bed for those in need.
Boaters are able to stow these lightweight, durable backpacks on their boats for instant camping at a moments notice, taking up virtually no room at all. There is also available an inside pocket with a brass key to provide the safe storage of your personal items.
As an outdoor shelter they will provide needed protection from the wind or rain, but creating an outdoor cave like shelter. And come with a Velcro front pocket made from the same tough, durable material as an added feature.
With a sleeping area that is almost two feet wide and six feet four inches long, they are suitable for even the larger individuals. The fast drying material will keep mildew under control when in your camping situations, such as the beach or in a damp forest.
Original design is focusing on the outdoors person, the hunter, camper or hiker, while it can serve a purpose for just the traveler by providing spontaneous sleeping conditions anywhere you might find yourself. Do you know about the Backpack Swag? Also make sure to visit my site about fishing and boating products.
Durability, lightweight easy to store are some of the most valued commodities when it comes to camping gear, and this product focuses on all of them. By providing a tough exterior material and a soft EVA foam mattress, the backpack swag can be a long lasting part of anyone's camping supplies.
Weighing less than eleven pounds it becomes something even the smaller person can handle.
No longer do you need to throw away that worn out camping gear, this could possibly be that part of your camping gear that you use for years.
Designed for the camping enthusiast, hiker, or even the homeless with its durability and cave like shelter.