Health & Medical Medications & Drugs

Herbal Supplement for Nerve Stimulation


    • Skullcap is a plant in the mint family. It is used in traditional medicine as a fever reducer and to reduce the "heat" in sores. It clears mucus and helps with hot flashes, as well as the heat felt in an angry temper tantrum. Scullcap is an antibacterial agent, inhibiting staph, strep and other bacteria. It slows gastrointestinal activity down, such as with diarrhea. It helps to lower blood pressure by dilating blood vessels. Because of this, it may lower the risk of a heart attack.

    Oat seed

    • Also known as "tops," this is simply the grain of oats after harvesting. Modern herbalists in Europe frequently use oats as a nervous system restorative, as well as an aid to treat shingles and genital herpes. The silica in oats is used as a skin remedy, and herbal bath preparations often contain oats as an ingredient.

    St. John's Wort

    • Precaution: Do not use St. John's Wort with a prescription MAO or protease inhibitor.

      St. John's Wort became popular in the U.S. after the media reported clinical research data stating that St. John's Wort was a safe anti-depressant. The studies showed that the St. John's Wort tincture had to be quite strong in order for it to actually treat depression. Taken as a tea or capsules, St. John's Wort gives a little bit of pain relief, which indirectly causes people to be in a better mood. The herb has been noted to slow frequent urination and bed wetting, as well as treat throbbing pain.

    Celery seed

    • Greeks used celery seed for nervous unrest and lack of appetite. It was not until the nineteenth century that celery was used as a table vegetable. Today, celery seed is used for a nervous stomach, a diuretic, and to lessen intestinal gas. It is mildly tranquilizing, and helps relieve arthritis pain. Essential oils in celery seed may be mildly anti-bacterial.


    • Lavender is an aromatic perennial bush known for its distinctive purple flowers. Traditionally it was used in perfumes, healing wounds, and as an insect repellent. For centuries, lavender was reported to be an aphrodisiac. The German Commission E recommended lavender to treat insomnia, and the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia lists lavender as a treatment for flatulence, colic and depressive headaches.

    Coffee and kola nut

    • Coffee beans and kola nuts are both rich in caffeine. Kola nut used to be the main ingredient in cola soft drinks. Both are used as antidepressants and energy tonics. The German E Commission lists kola nut as useful against mental and physical fatigue.


    • The above statements have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA. They are intended for education purposes only, and are not meant to cure, treat, heal or aid in the healing of any disease or medical condition. Please seek the advice of a trusted health care professional before attempting any form of self- health care.

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