Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Are Electronic Muscle Stimulators Safe?

Electronic muscle stimulators are being used on a more consistent basis not only in doctor's offices and clinics, but also in most physiotherapy rooms and clinics.
The ability of these machines to provide relief for - and in some cases even remedy - back and muscle pain, means that these machines will be in use for many years to come.
Used in beauty salons, fitness and health centers, and by physiotherapists treating sports injuries and other muscle and nerve ailments, the electronic muscle stimulator has become an essential therapy tool.
This isn't just for treating muscle sprains and back muscle pain, however.
These instruments are generally called TENS machines (Transcutaneous Electrical Muscle Stimulation) and are a drug-free way to manage all sorts of muscle and nerve pain.
The instrument uses a low frequency and mild voltage to provide a tingling sensation rather than an electric jolt to provide a rhythmic, deep pulsating sensation within the affected nerve and muscle areas.
By applying the electrodes directly to the pain area, the TENS machine can quickly provide a high level of pain relief and can, in most cases, remove the pain altogether after just a few sessions.
Chronic pain can be alleviated during these sessions because of the way that the TENS machine interrupts the pain transmitters sending signals to the brain.
Anyone who can do a low-level exercise routine can benefit from a session and it's perfectly safe for most people.
Some people should not use a TENS machine if they have pace makers, are pregnant, have heart problems, have metal pins or plates in their body, have diabetes or high blood pressure, or have cancerous lesions.
As with any form of new treatment regimens, it's absolutely essential that you talk things over with your doctor before starting any treatment.
Electronic muscle stimulators work by sending tiny electrical impulses through electrodes set on the affected area of the body.
These electrodes are generally affixed to the skin with adhesive tape to keep the surface of the electrode in constant contact with the skin.
In this way, the underlying nerves and muscles are gently stimulated during the treatment.
As the electrical signals pass through the skin and contact with the nerves, the pain receptors in the nerve fibers are temporarily blocked, shutting off the pain transmitters to the brain.
They also promote the release of endorphins in the body, which are chemicals that act as the body's natural pain blocking mechanism.
People recovering from strokes and those who've had muscle and nerve damage find that the treatments have a profound effect on the way that their bodies recuperate.
When properly used, these instruments are completely safe but again, this sort of treatment should only be carried out after consulting with your doctor or health care professional.
Many people with chronic pain conditions find almost instant relief by having regular treatments.
The treatments are so popular and safe that many people with chronic pain administer the treatment themselves in their own home.
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