It is one of those diseases that which is not only frustrating but also so very painful that whoever has it knows about it. There are not too many people who would like to speak about this disease, however at least once it happens in everyone's life time.
When someone's bowel movements become irregular or difficult, the term constipation is applied. This bowel movement depends from person to person. Some people's bowel movement happen three times a day while some might happen alternate days and some people even have it after three days. Medically it is said that our bodies are made in such way that it can take the pain for three days; BUT after that it becomes hard and difficulties arise.
So what are the Symptoms and how should we check the disease?
There are no such specific symptoms; but it is seen usually that a person gets a swollen abdomen or an odd abdominal pain. It is also investigated that people do vomit out. Infrequent bowel movements ie hard bowel means one is having constipation.
If so happens it is wise to check with your doctor first, but certain tests can be easily done.
€ Barium Test - to find out any obstruction in the colon
€ Colonoscopy - also to find out any obstruction in the colon
€ Blood test if a hormonal imbalance is suspected.
However, it is seen that most people who have constipation, does not have major illness except suffering from problems like
* Colonic inertia - this is a condition in which the colon contracts poorly and retains stool.
* Obstructed defecation - this happens when a person excessively strains to expel stool from the rectum.
What are the Precautions we all should take?
So we can easily say now that disorder of bowel causes constipation. But the question is why does this disorder happen! and what are these disorder
€ Inadequate water intake
€ Inadequate fiber in the diet
€ A disruption of regular diet or routine due to travelling
€ Inappropriate activity or exercise
€ Eating inadiquate amounts of dairy products
€ Stress
€ Resisting the urge to have a bowel movement, which results in pain from haemorrhoids
€ Too much use of laxatives (stool softeners) which over time weaken the bowel muscles
€ Neurological conditions such as Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis
€ Antacid medicines containing calcium or aluminium
€ Medicines (especially strong pain medicines, such as narcotics, antidepressants, or iron pills)
€ Depression
€ Eating disorders
€ Irritable bowel syndrome
€ Pregnancy
€ Colon Cancer
€ Improper functionality of nerve and muscle function in the bowel movements may also cause constipation.
So take care of your own self and have a proper diet to fight against the Constipation Disease.
When someone's bowel movements become irregular or difficult, the term constipation is applied. This bowel movement depends from person to person. Some people's bowel movement happen three times a day while some might happen alternate days and some people even have it after three days. Medically it is said that our bodies are made in such way that it can take the pain for three days; BUT after that it becomes hard and difficulties arise.
So what are the Symptoms and how should we check the disease?
There are no such specific symptoms; but it is seen usually that a person gets a swollen abdomen or an odd abdominal pain. It is also investigated that people do vomit out. Infrequent bowel movements ie hard bowel means one is having constipation.
If so happens it is wise to check with your doctor first, but certain tests can be easily done.
€ Barium Test - to find out any obstruction in the colon
€ Colonoscopy - also to find out any obstruction in the colon
€ Blood test if a hormonal imbalance is suspected.
However, it is seen that most people who have constipation, does not have major illness except suffering from problems like
* Colonic inertia - this is a condition in which the colon contracts poorly and retains stool.
* Obstructed defecation - this happens when a person excessively strains to expel stool from the rectum.
What are the Precautions we all should take?
So we can easily say now that disorder of bowel causes constipation. But the question is why does this disorder happen! and what are these disorder
€ Inadequate water intake
€ Inadequate fiber in the diet
€ A disruption of regular diet or routine due to travelling
€ Inappropriate activity or exercise
€ Eating inadiquate amounts of dairy products
€ Stress
€ Resisting the urge to have a bowel movement, which results in pain from haemorrhoids
€ Too much use of laxatives (stool softeners) which over time weaken the bowel muscles
€ Neurological conditions such as Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis
€ Antacid medicines containing calcium or aluminium
€ Medicines (especially strong pain medicines, such as narcotics, antidepressants, or iron pills)
€ Depression
€ Eating disorders
€ Irritable bowel syndrome
€ Pregnancy
€ Colon Cancer
€ Improper functionality of nerve and muscle function in the bowel movements may also cause constipation.
So take care of your own self and have a proper diet to fight against the Constipation Disease.