Health & Medical Women's Health

Self-Defense Gadgets for Nurses

Nurses are more prone to attack than any other woman.
Generally women are assaulted while walking down the street, in a public transport or at the workplace.
Nurses may be attacked in these places, but they also face the risk of attack by their patients.
A nurse may work in unpredictable situations; she does not know when her patients may turn violent or out of control.
That is why nurses should ALWAYS ensure they have means of personal protection.
Basically, a self-defense class teaches nurses how to deal with the situation in the event their patient becomes violent or tries to assault them.
It also teaches nurses how to come out of the situation without getting hurt themselves or causing any permanent injury to the patient or perpetrator.
Nurses tend to sick patients, whether they are good or evil, mentally capable or unstable.
As such, they may be subject to physical assault by the patients they attend.
They may be molested by a patient while administering medications or simply checking vitals and stats.
There is no 'safety zone' wherein nurses can absolutely, unequivocally, be certain of their safety while tending their patients.
If you are a nurse and are assigned to work on night duty, you know how difficult it may sometimes get to ensure your safety.
Suppose after an evening shift at the hospital you head out for home.
The streets are isolated, and as you walk alone, you may start feeling anxious of your surroundings.
Then, you hear footsteps coming closer to you - step by step.
What would you do? Don't panic.
Panic is the enemy of clear thought and rational action.
Be prepared: have a plan and implement it.
And as always, carry some, any, means of self-defense close at hand.
Self-defense gadgets come to the rescue for those nurses who face the daily risk of an attack.
After all, you are in up-close, intimate contact with strangers all day long; who can say what is going through their minds.
It is mandatory that you carry something small, compact, and easy to use, on your person.
The key chain kubotan is just right for this situation; its smaller size can be slipped into your pocket on rounds, and you'll never forget it as your keys will be attached.
The Electronic Pocket Whistle is another interesting, effective gadget.
In the event a patient gets out of control, all you have to do is press a button.
The loud, agonizing noise will bring much needed attention and aid to your rescue.
These devices aren't only useful in a working environment; but they are also effective no matter where you are.
In the workplace, using public transportation, walking down the street or through the parking lot to your car - any place in which you face the possibility of an attack is appropriate for the use of these tools.
If statistics are to be believed, on an average, a nurse is assaulted 1 to 3 times while on duty.
These are just some options for nurses, and all women everywhere, to keep in mind as means of personal protection.
Your best bet is to research all forms of self-defense, and determine what suits your unique situation and abilities.
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