- fireworks image by Brett Bouwer from Fotolia.com
According to the North Carolina Statute 14-414, the sale and use of fireworks in the state is limited to display and consumer fireworks (Reference 1). This is a zero-tolerance law, which means that anyone found in violation will be issued a ticket and fine and could be found criminally negligible. Applying for and obtaining the proper licensing as well as knowing what fireworks are considered display and consumer fireworks are essential for legally selling and buying fireworks in North Carolina. - North Carolina requires anyone wanting to sell fireworks to apply for a license with the tax commissioner. As of 2010, if you are a wholesale distributor the cost of the license is $1,400. The license for a wholesaler is $400. You must renew any approved license each year.
- Retail sales permits must be obtained at the local level from the municipal clerk. As of 2010, most municipalities in North Carolina require an application and $50 application-processing fee. You will not be able to purchase fireworks from a wholesaler without this retail sales permit. In addition, it is your responsibility to make sure that any wholesaler from whom you purchase fireworks has an approved license.
- In order to display fireworks in a sales window or shop, you must apply for a display permit at your local fire station. These permits must comply with Chapter 33 of the International Fire Code, which can be obtained from a fire official (Reference 2).
- Fireworks cannot be purchased by anyone under the age of 18. Therefore, you must check a state age identification card for anyone purchasing your fireworks. If you are found selling fireworks to someone underage or if you are a wholesaler who sells to a retailer without proper permits, you will lose your license.
- North Carolina is a "Safe and Sane" state, which means that only fireworks that do not explode are approved for sale (Reference 3). These approved items include sparklers, light fountains, snake and glow worms. Noisemakers and toy pistol caps with streamers are also approved.
- The following fireworks are prohibited in North Carolina: Exploding firecrackers, bottle rockets, mortars, roman candles and any other firework that spins or flies into the air and explodes. If you are unsure whether the fireworks you want to sell are approved, call your local fire official and ask.
State Sales License
Retail Sales Permit
Fireworks Display
Approved Fireworks
Prohibited Fireworks