Health & Medical Medications & Drugs

About the Benefits of Phosphorus


    • There are numerous benefits of taking phosphorus on a regular basis. It helps the kidneys get rid of waste effectively, gives you energy, forms the proteins that help in reproduction, and even helps build strong bones while working together with calcium. It stimulates hormone reproduction and helps the body use vitamin B more efficiently. Phosphorus helps maintain the body's electrolyte balance, speeds up healing, helps treat and prevent osteoporosis, helps maintain heart regularity, and reduces arthritis pain. This wonder-mineral can even help your mind stay active and alert while building strong enamel on your teeth and keeping your gums healthy.


    • When someone does not get enough phosphorus in his daily diet, the following health problems can occur:
      anxiety, bone problems, fatigue, irregular breathing, irritability, numbness, skin sensitivity, stress, teeth weakness, tremors, weakness, worry and weight changes. One can get malaise, stiff joints and bone pain as well.
      It can also cause glucose intolerance, irregular heartbeat and difficulty breathing. A deficiency of phosphorus also results in bone loss just as calcium deficiency does. (


    • In the human body, the natural amount of phosphorus can be found between 500-650g in a healthy adult.
      The FDA has set the daily amount of phosphorus at 1000mg. The Food and Nutrition board set the official scientific US RDA at 800-1200mg. Phosphorus RDA is intended to be used equally with calcium RDA when taken for osteoporosis or other bone related issues.


    • When someone is being treated for osteoporosis, it has always been assumed that calcium alone would be used effectively. However, scientists are now discovering that calcium needs an equal amount of phosphorus in order to be absorbed by the human body. Calcium supplements that do not include phosphorus are really just a waste of money.


    • Because more than half of all bone is made out of phosphate, and because large amount of calcium can actually interfere with phosphorus absorption, people being treated for osteoporosis should ask their doctor what can be done to allow the two minerals to be absorbed.

      Also, most people get their phosphorus needs met through their daily food, unless they eat a lot of junk, which then means they are now actually getting too much phosphorus. Those that decide to go on a diet need to remember to find ways to maintain a healthy amount of phosphorus in their bodies.

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