Facet Thermal Ablation Facts:
When trying to compare a facet thermal ablation to any other medical procedure, one has to consider a root canal that the dentist would perform. During a thermal ablation procedure the surgeon makes use of a laser to clean debris from the facet joint while deadening the nerve causing pain.
A facet thermal ablation is an endoscopic procedure, and although it shares the same scopic term as arthroscopic, and both use similar tubular instruments, each are much different. An arthroscopic procedure is performed inside the joint; an endoscopic procedure will never breach the joint.
Facet disease, facet joint syndrome, facet hypertrophy, facet arthritis and degenerative facet joints all mean basically the same thing Arthritis or degeneration affecting the facet joint. These conditions can all be corrected through a facet thermal ablation.
When comparing other joints in the body to the facet joint, they are quite similar. They all have cartilage that lines the joint creating a resistance to friction and are encased in a capsule of fluid
The main function of the facet joint is to provide each vertebra with support, while providing stability with mobility. Each vertebra pairing has two facet joints between them located on each side. The most common place for facet joint disease to occur is in the lumbar section of the back, although it can develop in any of the facet joints in the spine.
Because this procedure is so minimally invasive, there is no need for general anesthesia so it can be performed in an outpatient surgical setting. This eliminates the need for extended hospital stays and lengthy recovery times.
Detailed look at facet thermal ablation procedure:
The patient is administered a local anesthetic and a small incision is made in the back. A round Depuy tube, 5mm in diameter, is inserted into the incision. Through this working tube the surgeon will manipulate the laser and fiber optic instruments required for the surgery. When using a working tube instead of conventional surgery, the muscles are gently pushed out of the way and not cut or torn.
Through the working tube the surgeon will work to clean debris from the facet joint and deaden the pain causing nerve. The procedure is incredibly fast only lasting as long as forty minutes. After a couple of hours monitoring, the patient is released into the care of a companion and allowed to leave the site.
Most patients are encouraged to take a long walk the afternoon or evening following their facet thermal ablation. The following day the patient returns for a post-operative consultation with the doctor to receive their clearance to return home.
Advantages to having minimally invasive laser surgery
There are plenty of advantages to undergoing a minimally invasive laser procedure including:
-Surgical outpatient setting eliminated the need for long hospital stays
-No general anesthesia only a local anesthetic
-No spine fusion leaves stability and mobility in the spine at the affected segment
-Minimal damage to surrounding tissues eliminates excessive scar tissue forming that leads to failed back surgery syndrome
-High success rates
-Minimal recovery time
When trying to compare a facet thermal ablation to any other medical procedure, one has to consider a root canal that the dentist would perform. During a thermal ablation procedure the surgeon makes use of a laser to clean debris from the facet joint while deadening the nerve causing pain.
A facet thermal ablation is an endoscopic procedure, and although it shares the same scopic term as arthroscopic, and both use similar tubular instruments, each are much different. An arthroscopic procedure is performed inside the joint; an endoscopic procedure will never breach the joint.
Facet disease, facet joint syndrome, facet hypertrophy, facet arthritis and degenerative facet joints all mean basically the same thing Arthritis or degeneration affecting the facet joint. These conditions can all be corrected through a facet thermal ablation.
When comparing other joints in the body to the facet joint, they are quite similar. They all have cartilage that lines the joint creating a resistance to friction and are encased in a capsule of fluid
The main function of the facet joint is to provide each vertebra with support, while providing stability with mobility. Each vertebra pairing has two facet joints between them located on each side. The most common place for facet joint disease to occur is in the lumbar section of the back, although it can develop in any of the facet joints in the spine.
Because this procedure is so minimally invasive, there is no need for general anesthesia so it can be performed in an outpatient surgical setting. This eliminates the need for extended hospital stays and lengthy recovery times.
Detailed look at facet thermal ablation procedure:
The patient is administered a local anesthetic and a small incision is made in the back. A round Depuy tube, 5mm in diameter, is inserted into the incision. Through this working tube the surgeon will manipulate the laser and fiber optic instruments required for the surgery. When using a working tube instead of conventional surgery, the muscles are gently pushed out of the way and not cut or torn.
Through the working tube the surgeon will work to clean debris from the facet joint and deaden the pain causing nerve. The procedure is incredibly fast only lasting as long as forty minutes. After a couple of hours monitoring, the patient is released into the care of a companion and allowed to leave the site.
Most patients are encouraged to take a long walk the afternoon or evening following their facet thermal ablation. The following day the patient returns for a post-operative consultation with the doctor to receive their clearance to return home.
Advantages to having minimally invasive laser surgery
There are plenty of advantages to undergoing a minimally invasive laser procedure including:
-Surgical outpatient setting eliminated the need for long hospital stays
-No general anesthesia only a local anesthetic
-No spine fusion leaves stability and mobility in the spine at the affected segment
-Minimal damage to surrounding tissues eliminates excessive scar tissue forming that leads to failed back surgery syndrome
-High success rates
-Minimal recovery time