Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

I Am The Best At Who I Am!

My God Mother is 81 years young.
She has one son and one grandson.
Little John her grandson is now a senior at LSU.
When Little John was four years old he could read anything you would put in front of him.
His Mother and Father both have master degrees.
His Mother read to him when he was still in her womb.
His Grandmother, who is my Godmother would take him on Saturday mornings to McDonalds.
When they would pass my bicycle shop about 13 years ago, he wanted to stop and talk to Mitch.
My God Mother calls me Mitch.
He would beg her to stop.
She would tell him that I was too busy.
I let little John use my computer.
Little John was very smart.
His Mother had him reading War & Peace when he was five years old.
I owned a white Ford Van back then.
Little John wanted to see my Ford van.
I brought him to the parking lot to see my van.
I raised him up in the front seat.
He saw SRS on the steering wheel.
He asked me if I knew what SRS meant.
I said no.
He told me it meant Secondary Restraining System, that is the air bag.
He continued to tell me that the seat belt was the Primary restraining system.
Little John told me his Mother's friend has a Van like just like this one and she let him read the book.
I told him so many times.
"Your The BEST!"Little John loved to hear that he was the BEST.
I said John, I have friends that are not as smart as you.
He said, Mitch you know that you can get new friends.
One day one of my five younger sisters, was having a crawfish party in her back yard.
All of our very large family was arriving at the party.
I was sitting in the back yard with my grandson on my knee.
My grandson was about 3 or 4 years old.
John was about 5 years old.
Little John and his parents arrived at the party.
When little John saw me he started running toward me.
When he saw my grandson sitting on my lap, he stoped short and said, Mitch, Who is the best? I said, come here, he said no, who is the best? I said come here and meet my grandson.
My grandson could play T ball , however he could not read like little John.
I finally got him over to me and lifted him up on my other knee.
Little John was heavy.
He ate all of his food.
Today he is over six feet three.
He said , Mitch who is the best? I said, you are the best at who you are, I am the best at who I am, and my grandson is the best at who he is.
Little John said, no Mitch, who is the best?I knew that I was sending the wrong message telling little John that he was the best!Four o'clock in the morning I get my ideas.
I thought of the words.
"I am the best at who I am!"I made round label stickers with these words and gave them to little John and my grandson.
I gave them out at many of my over 2500 presentations.
School Teachers love the circle stickers.
It takes the competition out of being the best.
So many kids have low self value, because they believe they have to be the best at sports and other things to be somebody.
No on one earth has your finger prints, your DNA, and your thinking.
You are one of a kind.
You have a unfair advantage.
What you want the most is a unfair advantage.
You already have a unfair advantage.
Once you know and truly believe in your heart that you already have a unfair advantage, with persistence, you can do anything you want to do, you can be anything you want to be.
There is no competitions, you are one of a kind.
You are priceless.
You and only you must believe this first.
Six billion people on earth, and you are the on the endangered species list.
When you past away you will be on the extinction list.
The true giver is always the receiver.
You can buy more happiness with a heart filled with joy, than a pocket filled with money.
How may I serve humanity with humility?What can I do?
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