- 1). Purchase your credit report and score. If you have a recent copy of your credit report, you can use that. Take a pen and make note of the date your lender reports the debt to the credit agency. Call the lender and ask what day their company reports accounts to the credit agency if the date is not shown on the credit report.
- 2). Circle the credit limit on each credit card account. Calculate what 30 percent of the credit limit is. An easy way to do this is to take the credit limit and multiply it by .30. Write the amount down.
- 3). Arrange to make payments on all accounts two days before the lender reports to the credit agency. Make a payment large enough to bring the balance below 30 percent of the credit limit. This is the figure you have previously written down.
- 4). Pull your credit report after the date you have noted the lender reports. You should make sure the balance is shown correctly and check the rise in your credit score.