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Search Engine Optimisation - Page Ranking Advice

Search engine optimisation is really quite simple, all you need to do is get completely clear about 1 principal.
That principle is learning how the major search engines view your pages, do this and your half way to mastering on page optimisation.
I have been in SEO now for over 5 years and if there was one thing I would want any optimiser to remember it is this, search engines rank pages not sites.
When you are optimising your pages don't try and cram every single keyword into your home page.
Pick a keyword and optimise one page per keyword.
Also use the keyword in the URL of the page.
This will increase your page relevancy and push your site up the SERPs.
When Google shows a page in it's index it does not simply use the root domain to advertise each page, it uses the full page url.
Another aspect of search engine optimisation that people struggle with is the aspect of images and how the major search engines use them to rank pages.
Search engines do not read images as a rule, however if your image is in HTML simply use the ALT tag to tell the search spider what text the image represents.
No search spider can read javascript so keep these images to an absolute minimum or use a subdomain to host the image.
As a rule search spiders will only read a certain amount of anyone page.
For example GoogleBot will only read 100kb of any page.
It is useful to know this when filling your header tag.
Do not over load it with code, as this may mean the spiders miss some keyword rich content from the bottom of your page.
Remember a search spider is simply a computer program and has to guess the topic of your site based on the information it can gather.
When it comes to your keywords you have to keep two things in mind, proximity and frequency.
These two elements fight against each other and you have to try and find the right balance.
If the words are of close proximity in the content, it will look unnatural and Google may think your site is spam, however if your keyword is not used enough the program will have trouble understanding the general theme of your site.
This is a very basic understanding of how search engines rank your pages and how to optimise your pages for the main engines.
You will have to apply all elements of seo to see major results.
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