- 1). Open the chosen photograph using the Photoshop Cs3 software by selecting "File" and "Open."
- 2). Make the image black and white by selecting "Layer" followed by "New adjustment layer" and "Hue/saturation." Slide the saturation bar to the left to remove the color completely.
- 3). Select the original color image on the layers palette at the right side of the screen and drag it down to the new layer button at the bottom of the palette. This forms an extra copy of the original photograph. With the backup copy selected, press "Ctrl" and "I" on the keyboard to transform the photograph into a negative image by inverting the colors.
- 4). Go to the selection bar at the top of the color palette and select "Color dodge." This will lighten the layer image. To give the image texture, select "Filter," and "Blur." Gaussian blur is recommended by Photoshop expert Mark Clarkson. Play with the blur setting to create the desired amount of texture using the pixels bar slider.
- 5). Stop here or continue to edit the image by experimenting with burn and dodge tools, which will effectively lighten and darken particular areas of the image. Another option is to create a more realistic image by playing with layer effects to add more texture.