Having a site dealing comprehensively with many aspects of the whole concept of lasik correction procedures at lasik centers globally mean that by nature I am interested in this relatively new medical procedure.
As such it seems natural to equally delve in to the background of the procedure and to ascertain the main individuals responsible for this remarkable medical development.
The person generally accredited with the start of lasik vision correction is Dr.
Jose Barraquer who is Spanish.
In the early nineteen sixties he acknowledged that some sort of device would be required to enable one to make a flap in the cornea which is the primary basis of any lasik procedure.
The device ended up being known as a microkeratome.
Throughout the nineteen sixties this instrument was used by the medical profession to make incisions in an individuals cornea to enable the radical alteration of its shape.
Known as keratomileusis it was the forerunner of lasik procedures carried out nowadays at Lasik Centers worldwide.
Further significant changes did not occur until much later in the century when a Dr.
Palikaris and a Dr.
Buratto developed photo refractive keratectomy and with it far less risks to Lasik patients.
Slade and Dr.
Brint are generally acknowledged to have carried out the first surgery using the technique above early in the nineteen nineties and others followed suit with acceptable procedures at lasik centers worldwide.
Nowadays, the procedure is incredibly popular, giving many, many people the chance to conduct their lives with near perfect vision.
As such it seems natural to equally delve in to the background of the procedure and to ascertain the main individuals responsible for this remarkable medical development.
The person generally accredited with the start of lasik vision correction is Dr.
Jose Barraquer who is Spanish.
In the early nineteen sixties he acknowledged that some sort of device would be required to enable one to make a flap in the cornea which is the primary basis of any lasik procedure.
The device ended up being known as a microkeratome.
Throughout the nineteen sixties this instrument was used by the medical profession to make incisions in an individuals cornea to enable the radical alteration of its shape.
Known as keratomileusis it was the forerunner of lasik procedures carried out nowadays at Lasik Centers worldwide.
Further significant changes did not occur until much later in the century when a Dr.
Palikaris and a Dr.
Buratto developed photo refractive keratectomy and with it far less risks to Lasik patients.
Slade and Dr.
Brint are generally acknowledged to have carried out the first surgery using the technique above early in the nineteen nineties and others followed suit with acceptable procedures at lasik centers worldwide.
Nowadays, the procedure is incredibly popular, giving many, many people the chance to conduct their lives with near perfect vision.