- Numerous online guides, such as Garage Sale Source, offer standard pricing for typical garage-sale items, such as clothing and appliances. Using these lists can help provide a reference point for your items.
- Shopping garage sales in the town where the sale will be held can help homeowners decide what the normal prices are in the area. It's important to check a variety of sales, since some neighbors may price their items unrealistically high, while others may price everything to sell as quickly as possible, with little eye towards making a decent profit.
- The going rates for more valuable items can be found by examining online sales and auction sites. It's important to bear in mind, though, that as with garage sales, some sellers' prices may be unrealistic.
- Prices tend to be higher at consignment, vintage, and antique shops than at garage sales, but these shops can still provide an important point of comparison. If many valuable items of furniture or designer clothing will be part of the garage sale, knowing the market prices for these items can prevent you from pricing them too low.
Consulting Online Guides
Neighboring Garage Sales
Online Sales Sites
Antique, Vintage, and Consignment Shops