Genre:Children/Educational Title:Do you know where Sea Turtles go? Author:Paul Lowery Originally written as a children's' story, this book is already becoming an important educational guide.
Directed at the 4- 8 year old group, it stresses the importance of knowing what their environment is facing as they mature.
A large percentage of turtles encompassing several species, begin their lives as eggs buried in the Florida sands.
Thus begins the story, Myrtle the Turtle is born and runs fast into the ocean to avoid her enemies.
She spends her time swimming and meeting new friends for a couple of years until she falls in love and returns to her very own nesting ground to bury her eggs.
This cycle is complete.
Although written for this younger generation I enjoyed the book enough to research what was actually happening and gained respect for the turtle and their plight.
The earliest know turtle fossil is 150 million years old and in the past one hundred years pollution and loss of habitat contribute to the possible extinction of the turtles.
There are many species varying in colors, size and shape.
They can weigh 100 - 1300 lbs.
and some can live to be 100 years old.
Although they dive down several thousand feet, they are air-breathing reptiles and must come up for air every hour to breath.
Some swim as many as 3000 miles.
There are many reasons turtles are important but as we progress, building on the beaches and polluting our oceans, we threaten their very existence.
There is a downward domino effect as their numbers decrease.
One example is that they eat therefore groom the sea grass, maintaining the health of the grasses, which many other marine species depend on.
This book is well written by Paul Lowery and brightly illustrated by Tim Thomas, correctly depicting other species of life in the ocean.
Paul and his wife Betty, a retired schoolteacher have taken it upon themselves to visit schools making Myrtle's story a delightful day of learning.
This teaches children at a young age, making them more aware and inspiring them to take care of the earth's ecosystems.
Paul perceptively provided 'Adopt-A-Turtle' information in his book.
Children or adults, classes or families can adopt a turtle who wears a transmitter glued to his back.
It is tracked via Satellite on it's travels and can be monitored on home computers.
He also makes us aware that the proceeds of buying certain Florida license plates supports sea turtle protection.
Very Highly Recommended by Reviewer:Cheryl Ellis,Allbooks Reviews.
Thank you Paul, looking forward to your next endeavor, The Butterfly.
Directed at the 4- 8 year old group, it stresses the importance of knowing what their environment is facing as they mature.
A large percentage of turtles encompassing several species, begin their lives as eggs buried in the Florida sands.
Thus begins the story, Myrtle the Turtle is born and runs fast into the ocean to avoid her enemies.
She spends her time swimming and meeting new friends for a couple of years until she falls in love and returns to her very own nesting ground to bury her eggs.
This cycle is complete.
Although written for this younger generation I enjoyed the book enough to research what was actually happening and gained respect for the turtle and their plight.
The earliest know turtle fossil is 150 million years old and in the past one hundred years pollution and loss of habitat contribute to the possible extinction of the turtles.
There are many species varying in colors, size and shape.
They can weigh 100 - 1300 lbs.
and some can live to be 100 years old.
Although they dive down several thousand feet, they are air-breathing reptiles and must come up for air every hour to breath.
Some swim as many as 3000 miles.
There are many reasons turtles are important but as we progress, building on the beaches and polluting our oceans, we threaten their very existence.
There is a downward domino effect as their numbers decrease.
One example is that they eat therefore groom the sea grass, maintaining the health of the grasses, which many other marine species depend on.
This book is well written by Paul Lowery and brightly illustrated by Tim Thomas, correctly depicting other species of life in the ocean.
Paul and his wife Betty, a retired schoolteacher have taken it upon themselves to visit schools making Myrtle's story a delightful day of learning.
This teaches children at a young age, making them more aware and inspiring them to take care of the earth's ecosystems.
Paul perceptively provided 'Adopt-A-Turtle' information in his book.
Children or adults, classes or families can adopt a turtle who wears a transmitter glued to his back.
It is tracked via Satellite on it's travels and can be monitored on home computers.
He also makes us aware that the proceeds of buying certain Florida license plates supports sea turtle protection.
Very Highly Recommended by Reviewer:Cheryl Ellis,Allbooks Reviews.
Thank you Paul, looking forward to your next endeavor, The Butterfly.