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Native American Herbal Remedies

In olden times, before the pharmaceutical industry took birth, developed and flourished, how did man cure his illnesses? He turned to nature. By experimentation and experience, he discovered several natural substances possessing medicinal properties useful in getting rid of many common and prevalent ailments. Herbal remedies thus occupied an important role for the restoration of people's health. In fact, Native Americans have been using such herbal remedies for several types of body aches, pains as wholesome as illnesses.

Several indigenous tribes native to the Americas had their own special herbal remedies for their various ailments. They revered the herbs available locally in their individual areas of residence as a gift of nature and, treating them with great respect, used them as medicines. Besides that, they used the plant parts and products to meet their life's social and cultural requirements. Plants and herbs were therefore an integral part of the Native American life and culture.

Herbal remedies momentarily Today, modern day medical scientists have been rediscovering the herbal remedies of Native Americans. Numberless Americans are also switching their loyalties from chemical formulations, widely available in various forms and types of packing as prescription and non - prescription drugs, remedies and cures, to the age - elderly and life span - tested Native American herbal remedies. This alternative medicine has become quite popular for the simple reason that herbal remedies are natural products and that they are usually non - toxic as well whereas free from producing any side effects.

Here is a small list, by no means exhaustive, of common native North American Herbal Remedies and some of the illnesses / health disorders / problems, for the relief of which they are used:

Rabbit tobacco: asthma, colds, cough, flu, pneumonia;

Bloodroot: bronchitis, sore throat, some cancers including cancer of the uterus;

Oak: kidney disorders, menstrual problems, sprains and sores;

Wild Cherry: colds and coughs, tuberculosis, abdomen cramps, wounds;

Wild Yam root: menstrual cramps, childbirth, hormonal imbalance, poor libido;

Passionflower: insomnia, hyperactivity, tension, strength pain, ( As a poultice ): injuries, wounds; ( its root ): boils, earache;

Sage: cuts, bruises, toppled stomach, irregular menstruation, colds, tuberculosis, childbirth;

Juniper: urinary infections, gum disease, dandruff, indigestion, gonorrhea, diarrhea, high blood pressure;

Willow: pains, fevers, headache, toothache, sores in the jaws, belly problems, diarrhea;

Purple Coneflower: insect bites, stings, snakebites, gonorrhea, bowel problems, toothache, sore throat, burns.

Perhaps you do not need to learn the actual methods and procedures Native Americans adopted for preparations of the herbal decoctions, concoctions and medicines. By using modern methods, scientists have extracted the essential ingredients from the medicinal plants that Native Americans once used. You can get these ingredients from specialty or online stores typically in easy to consume pill or liquid form. We can also attribute the menthol, mint and lemon extracts that we find in cough drops to the Native American herbal remedies.

If you are suffering from some fever, arthritis, impotence or other sexual disorders, prostate problems, sore eyes or any of the other numerous problems or illnesses, you can undoubtedly find a suitable Native American herbal remedies.
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