Society & Culture & Entertainment Education

mLearning - Digital Learning Management System

Latest Trend in Learning is "Learning with mobile devices" that can be mentioned as mLearning.
This is fast and being recognized as a key subset of eLearning as it provides another flexible delivery option for learners.
With a growing buzz around the globe about the unique and advantageous facets of mLearning, the interest generated by technology experts and learners have already stated leading to exciting results.
For instance, mlearning benefits users in various ways.
"I am studying a foreign language so to practice listening, I call up a phone number that simulates various dialogs with me...
such as.
buying a bus ticket...
, says a user.
"Now that's something else! It gives me feedback on my understanding or even on my pronunciation instantaneously!" The vast possibilities fostered by these devices extend from sharing pictures or documents to collaborative game playing, reading and writing.
The contemporary scenario of mobile learning is heading down an interesting path following the rapid advancements in technology.
These advancements are becoming the norm as quality and capability are constantly increasing while costs continue to drop.
On the other hand, even after continuous advancement in technology there are still limitations when it comes to mLearning which the industry must overcome.
However, this issue is being combated systematically.
Currently, few of these devices are ubiquitously connected, the screens are small, the processing is slow, and the storage capacities are limited.
The concept of eLearning is a combination of relevant content with engaging graphics, animation etc that covers both the conceptual material as well as illustrations.
In addition, it also includes vital interactive practice activities, which allows the user to participate and provide personalized feedback.
Following the ideology of elearning, conscious efforts should be made to ensure all learning applications integrate or interface with a Learning Management System (LMS).
This is essential in order to track performances and update records as well as enable certification.
When tracking learning, it is imperative for outcomes to be stored systematically and reported back.
This information is crucial in order to meet learner needs, to be able to reward outcomes, and to manage corporate knowledge.
Usually, based on user action, the learner platform can communicate the outcome to the management system.
However, this solution does not work with intermittent connectivity.
These same mechanisms do not possess the ability to save or maintain outcomes until connectivity is restored.
Another major issue that must be overcome is successfully facilitating managed learning through an intermittent connection.
Ideally most providers would prefer that individuals take responsibility personally for their own learning, but many constraints suggest that there are benefits from having systems track and manage learning.
Cross-platform solutions are another issue, meaning enabling all learners to have access to all materials independent of particular system preferences.
Ongoing research focused on improving the capabilities of standard web mechanisms and mobile device connectivity and capability will soon eliminate the distinction between mLearning and elearning.
With seamless wireless networking, high-powered supercomputers, high resolution flexible full color screens (or integrated into our visual field through special glasses), and flexible input from pen to keyboard, the distinction between desktop and mobile will disappear.
mLearning is the perfect delivery tool for JIT (just in time) teaching.
Imagine having content, reminders, assignments, updates and discussion questions sent directly to your portable device.
Like the AOL announcement "you have mail" soon, you will hear devices echoing, with "You have an assignment"!
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