Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Understanding Your Painful Knees - Special Report on Ways to Deal With the Hurt

This article exists as a brief overview to help you understand some of the more common causes and remedies for one of the most often ignored problems - painful knees.
) Common Causes of Painful Knees - Some of the more common causes of pain in the knees include (but are not limited to): A.
) Sprains and strains: Quick and unnatural movements that cause minor injury to the ligaments around the knee.
There are three levels of sprains and strains, with level three usually being the most severe.
) Tears: Tears of the meniscus (cartilage) or ligaments (ACL, MCL, PCL, LCL) that cause instability of the knee area.
These aforementioned anatomical elements are crucial to a healthy knee.
) Tendonitis: An inflammation of the tendons in the knee area.
Overuse and injury can play big role in the inflammation of tendons.
) Patella Dislocation: A traumatic injury or anatomical problem wherein the kneecap is jarred out of place due to a sudden impact or repetitive movement.
) Arthritis: Osteoarthritis (OA) and Rheumatoid are the two most common types although there are many different arthritis types besides these mentioned.
) Common Effective Home Remedies for Painful Knees A.
) Rest & Elevation: Knee injuries, especially those related to overuse and minor sprains and strains, will respond best to rest and elevation.
Swelling can be reduced when raising your legs after a injury to the knee.
) Ice / Cooling The Knee: Avoid using the affected leg while it is painful to do so and use an ice pack or a bag of frozen vegetables for 15 minutes every hour for the day the injury occurs.
) Knee Braces: The knee pain caused by many minor injuries will respond well to the use of a knee brace that will keep the area supported while allowing the healing process to take place.
Knee supports do not cure you, but the support that they provide can be just what you needed to help you get going again.
This meaningful support can help promote the healing you need.
Many people find that a knee brace is a good idea while participating in exercise and sporting events even after the pain has subsided.
This extra added support can be something that helps protect painful knee symptoms from returning, and this can be the turning point for you to finally move on with confidence.
The final decision is yours and speak with your physician if you are concerned.
If you have knee pain we recommend that you face your knee problems.
Letting your knee pain drag on actually result in further damage to the joint and surrounding anatomical structures.
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