Health & Medical Women's Health

Canada Pharmacies Warn Breast Conserving Surgery May Require Repeat Procedure

Women reluctant to undergo mastectomy often opt for breast-conserving surgery. Researchers find approximately 23% of all women may have to undergo another surgery after initial treatment to ensure cancer cells are not left behind. Canada pharmacies following the study performed by experts at the Richard J. Lacks Cancer Center found a precise remedy to replace mastectomy was not developed.

Breast-conserving surgery is an alternative several women opt for, because the medical procedure still leaves women with the affected breast intact. Surgeons find it very difficult to remove all cancerous growth completely during the initial surgery. High rate of repeat surgery has made them follow preventive procedures wherein a clear margin of normal tissue is also removed to ensure stray cancer cells are not left behind. However, re-excisions are still performed across the United States.

The present study involved over 2,200 women recently diagnosed with invasive breast cancers. They were mostly white women averaging 62 years of age. Participants were selected from four different areas across the country, and information was gathered from inpatient and outpatient medical records. Support data was obtained from radiology, surgical, and pathological reports.

Around 509 women needed at least one additional surgery to get rid of cancerous cells in the affected breast. The study also revealed around 10% needed more than one surgery, while 8.5% had to undergo mastectomy after the initial breast-conservation surgery. Statistical data related to surgeons or institutions varied to an extent rate of re-excision became difficult to predict. People often buy generic Femara from Canada pharmacies, as the drug is known to block growth of cancerous cells. It is especially prescribed before surgery.

Complete data is unavailable leading to less awareness among women opting for re-excision after initial surgery. Varying costs of breast-conserving surgery across the country does suggest variations exist to some extent. What is needed is a systematic approach based on positive clinical trials. Experts are trying to find a suitable alternative for mastectomy without resorting to repeat procedures to get rid of cancerous cells.

The current procedure involves removing cancerous growth and then testing margin tissue for signs of cancerous growth. If the test returns positive results, repeat surgery is the only alternative. Problem with the testing procedure is repeat surgery does not ensure negative results in the future. For instance, the high recurrence rates may not actually reduce with increase in the surgical procedure.

Findings of the study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association clearly suggest surgeons find it very difficult to distinguish between normal and cancerous tissue during the time of surgery. Margin tissue often overlaps normal tissue. Lab tests are unable to confirm positive indications of cancerous growth during the procedure.

Women opt for breast-conserving surgery to avoid losing a breast. Surgeons are therefore under pressure to preserve as much tissue as possible during the surgical procedure. Removing more healthy tissue will reduce the size of the breast creating an abnormal look. The purpose of opting for conservation rather than total mastectomy is lost. Generic Canada pharmacies suggest collecting data about re-excision rates from systematic patterns established. Standard information must be readily available to understand repercussions and costs involved as well.
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