When it comes to car insurance, there are a lot of myths and misnomers on how to save money.
In fact, you can't really be sure that the advice you receive is going to help or hurt you in the long run.
Here are some tips that can actually help you to save money.
Good luck!
In fact, you can't really be sure that the advice you receive is going to help or hurt you in the long run.
Here are some tips that can actually help you to save money.
- Paying your bill can make a difference.
Do you pay your bill through auto pay or do you send in a check? Some companies offer a discount if you allow the insurance company to automatically debit your payment from your account each month.
This may seem like small change, but it can really add up over a year or several years. - You can also save money if you can pay your premium in one lump sum rather than in monthly installments.
When you pay in installments, your insurance company may tack a convenience fee onto those payments.
Over the course of the year, this can increase your insurance payment significantly. - Don't reduce your coverage to save money.
This is very tempting to do.
However, many people have ended up paying for this mistake! When you lower your coverage, you also place yourself at risk should you be in an accident.
Because of this, many agents advise raising your insurance deductible.
This can save you money on your insurance bill, but will not place you or your family at risk should an accident happen.
Of course, you should put some money aside in case you may need to pay that deductible.
Many deductibles start at $500 and increase incrementally. - Ask for discounts.
You would be surprised at the number of discounts that are available on auto insurance policies.
In fact, you may be eligible for a premium discount if your car has a certain type of braking system or if your car has a certain type of seat belt.
Your children may also receive a discount if they took driver education classes in school.
You may also be eligible for a discount if you purchase your home insurance and auto insurance from the same company! - Shop around for the best rates! If you still think that your auto insurance rates are high, you may want to get a free quote from another company.
In fact, shopping around for auto insurance is a good way to reduce your premiums.
Keep in mind that you want to compare what the same type of coverage will cost between different companies.
If you do your shopping online, you can save time as well as money. - Don't get discouraged.
Even if you have had some problems with your driving record, you can still find an affordable policy if you look around.
In fact, there are companies that cater to drivers that have a less than perfect driving record.
To find such companies, you can look online or in the phone book.
Good luck!