Many people use their money and live pay check to pay check to fulfill the hole within, are you one of them? You got pay Today is Friday and you got pay, maybe you will be making plans, after all you work hard all week, you deserve a break, you need to feel rewarded.
What do you choose Now you have the money what do you choose, dancing, eating, drinking, something has to be done, after all today is Friday, you cannot stay at home, it will be too boring.
Where are your friends Now that you know where you want to go, where are your friends to help make it just right? It would be boring if you do not have someone or a group to share this with.
How do you feel A big part of what you are looking for is to feel good and look good even if it is for a short time at the expense of going broke.
It is about the image, how you think you look to other people although you may go broke.
How is your week until the next pay check After you spend your time having a good time out side you may realize that you do not have enough money for the rest of the week to buy food or go out.
You may look for help from others by borrowing money to make thing meet until your next pay check.
Is the hole fulfill? Did it fulfill you; some people will say yes, you only live once, while others do not know how to break out the cycle of over spending.
Have you ever heard the expression "money burning in your pocket?" For many that money need to leave as fast as it comes in.
The feeling of being happy and fulfill does not last, it is a temporarily fix until you go within to create a stronger foundation of fulfillment.
Conclusion: Money can never fulfill your emotional needs of being love and supported although many people attempt to do so with material spending.
What do you choose Now you have the money what do you choose, dancing, eating, drinking, something has to be done, after all today is Friday, you cannot stay at home, it will be too boring.
Where are your friends Now that you know where you want to go, where are your friends to help make it just right? It would be boring if you do not have someone or a group to share this with.
How do you feel A big part of what you are looking for is to feel good and look good even if it is for a short time at the expense of going broke.
It is about the image, how you think you look to other people although you may go broke.
How is your week until the next pay check After you spend your time having a good time out side you may realize that you do not have enough money for the rest of the week to buy food or go out.
You may look for help from others by borrowing money to make thing meet until your next pay check.
Is the hole fulfill? Did it fulfill you; some people will say yes, you only live once, while others do not know how to break out the cycle of over spending.
Have you ever heard the expression "money burning in your pocket?" For many that money need to leave as fast as it comes in.
The feeling of being happy and fulfill does not last, it is a temporarily fix until you go within to create a stronger foundation of fulfillment.
Conclusion: Money can never fulfill your emotional needs of being love and supported although many people attempt to do so with material spending.