The garage is the most multi-functional room in the entire home.
What other room can be used for a tool shed, toy box, workroom, closet and covered parking for at least one car? With all of these things being stored in the garage an organization system needs to be in place or you will find yourself quickly spiraling out of control.
If you have a large budget, you can solve all of the garage organization problems easily with a little time and planning.
For the rest of us, we need to carefully plan out where we can get the most bang for our buck.
This article focuses on getting your garage organized on a budget.
The first thing you need to do is the obvious.
If you are like the average person, you most likely have several things in your garage that you no longer use that could be sold.
Either have a garage sale, post them on eBay or Craig's List.
This will not only give you less things you are going to have to organize, it will put some extra money in your pocket to go toward your organization system.
After the things you no longer use are out of the way, plan out how you are going to organize your garage.
Hopefully you made enough money in your garage sale to purchase a few shelves, some peg board and maybe even a hanging cabinet or two.
Instead of buying the expensive containers to hold your screws and nails, use old coffee cans.
Most coffee comes in plastic containers and are excellent to reuse for these types of things.
If you are not a coffee drinker, you can purchase a few mason jars for a little of nothing that will accomplish the same thing.
For storing your tools, a peg board (the board with all of the holes in it) is the way to go.
It is inexpensive and will keep everything neatly organized.
What other room can be used for a tool shed, toy box, workroom, closet and covered parking for at least one car? With all of these things being stored in the garage an organization system needs to be in place or you will find yourself quickly spiraling out of control.
If you have a large budget, you can solve all of the garage organization problems easily with a little time and planning.
For the rest of us, we need to carefully plan out where we can get the most bang for our buck.
This article focuses on getting your garage organized on a budget.
The first thing you need to do is the obvious.
If you are like the average person, you most likely have several things in your garage that you no longer use that could be sold.
Either have a garage sale, post them on eBay or Craig's List.
This will not only give you less things you are going to have to organize, it will put some extra money in your pocket to go toward your organization system.
After the things you no longer use are out of the way, plan out how you are going to organize your garage.
Hopefully you made enough money in your garage sale to purchase a few shelves, some peg board and maybe even a hanging cabinet or two.
Instead of buying the expensive containers to hold your screws and nails, use old coffee cans.
Most coffee comes in plastic containers and are excellent to reuse for these types of things.
If you are not a coffee drinker, you can purchase a few mason jars for a little of nothing that will accomplish the same thing.
For storing your tools, a peg board (the board with all of the holes in it) is the way to go.
It is inexpensive and will keep everything neatly organized.