Our reality is everything we experience by the use of our mind backed by our thoughts, feelings and actions.
Which leads us to the state of mind and position in life we are currently in.
This is just an excerpt of what reality is.
In the book called "Our Ultimate Reality" by Adrian Cooper, he goes into depth of what reality is.
The book explores a wide range of topics and after 572 pages split across 115 chapters.
I personally think this book brings me closer to the truth.
Due to the fact after reading this book it makes it clear for someone to consider it as a manual for personal progression.
However, this book could change your life after reading it.
Thanks to the author I know have a better understanding of my existence.
Here is just some of the life changing knowledge you will find in Our Ultimate Reality: Discover your infinite, immortal Spiritual nature, and what it really means Discover the importance of Energy, Vibration and Mind Discover the truth about the afterlife, reincarnation and karma Discover your true destiny, and the Spiritual growth to realise it Discover the true nature of the Universe in all spheres of reality How to attract abundance and anything you need, wish for or desire How to remain healthy and heal any ailment, however serious it might seem How to achieve Astral Projection and OBE's and the 3 best methods for each How to visit where you will go to after "death" and visit "deceased" people How to contact your Higher-Self to find the true answers to important questions
Which leads us to the state of mind and position in life we are currently in.
This is just an excerpt of what reality is.
In the book called "Our Ultimate Reality" by Adrian Cooper, he goes into depth of what reality is.
The book explores a wide range of topics and after 572 pages split across 115 chapters.
I personally think this book brings me closer to the truth.
Due to the fact after reading this book it makes it clear for someone to consider it as a manual for personal progression.
However, this book could change your life after reading it.
Thanks to the author I know have a better understanding of my existence.
Here is just some of the life changing knowledge you will find in Our Ultimate Reality: Discover your infinite, immortal Spiritual nature, and what it really means Discover the importance of Energy, Vibration and Mind Discover the truth about the afterlife, reincarnation and karma Discover your true destiny, and the Spiritual growth to realise it Discover the true nature of the Universe in all spheres of reality How to attract abundance and anything you need, wish for or desire How to remain healthy and heal any ailment, however serious it might seem How to achieve Astral Projection and OBE's and the 3 best methods for each How to visit where you will go to after "death" and visit "deceased" people How to contact your Higher-Self to find the true answers to important questions