We think nothing of the computers in our cars. Who hasn't at least heard of the robotic floor sweepers? Yet for some reason Americans have not yet embraced the one of the greatest home labor saving devices, the robotic lawn mower.
Robotic lawn mowers can cut a yard very efficiently. The software is designed to take into account various types of grass and growing conditions.
The Lawnbott Evolution is particularly sensitive to how fast the grass is growing. Every time it mows it will sense how much resistance is against the blade to try and determine how fast the grass is growing. When it goes back to the charger it will calculate the next time it needs to come out to keep the grass at the optimal height. In other words it will come out more in May than in October.
The new Robomower RL1000 models now match the Lawnbott robotic mowers with rain sensors. So they will not attempt to mow in the rain. The LawnBott takes it a step further with a wet grass detection system, if the grass it too wet it goes back to the charger automatically.
Robotic mowers can be programmed to mow any time day or night. They can be told what days to come out or to stay in. So they can automatically mow during the week while the kids are in school or at night when everyone is in bed, or not mow on the weekends.
They can mow in different patterns so as to cut the grass in different directions. They don't leave the patterns in the yard like traditional mowers. The yard looks always crew-cut smooth.
Robotic mowers prefer to cut more often, they put much less stress on the grass and keep weeds from seeding. Robotic lawn mowers cut just the very tip of the grass so it falls to the ground as ready fertilizer. Virtually every lawn care website states how important that it is to reuse grass clippings.
Reducing water and fertilizer use is also is also important. Too much water and fertilizer can lead to too rapid of growth which will cause thatch.
Robotic lawn mowers use no gas or oil, they are very environmentally friendly. It is estimated that it costs only $7.00 a year to mow the average lawn with a robotic lawn mower. Mother Nature can't help but smile at that!
The Robotic lawn mower is a proven technology, with over 5 years of in-home use world wide.There are many websites with all kinds of information and dealers who are very knowledgeable how robotic lawn mowers can benefit homeowners.
Robotic lawn mowers can cut a yard very efficiently. The software is designed to take into account various types of grass and growing conditions.
The Lawnbott Evolution is particularly sensitive to how fast the grass is growing. Every time it mows it will sense how much resistance is against the blade to try and determine how fast the grass is growing. When it goes back to the charger it will calculate the next time it needs to come out to keep the grass at the optimal height. In other words it will come out more in May than in October.
The new Robomower RL1000 models now match the Lawnbott robotic mowers with rain sensors. So they will not attempt to mow in the rain. The LawnBott takes it a step further with a wet grass detection system, if the grass it too wet it goes back to the charger automatically.
Robotic mowers can be programmed to mow any time day or night. They can be told what days to come out or to stay in. So they can automatically mow during the week while the kids are in school or at night when everyone is in bed, or not mow on the weekends.
They can mow in different patterns so as to cut the grass in different directions. They don't leave the patterns in the yard like traditional mowers. The yard looks always crew-cut smooth.
Robotic mowers prefer to cut more often, they put much less stress on the grass and keep weeds from seeding. Robotic lawn mowers cut just the very tip of the grass so it falls to the ground as ready fertilizer. Virtually every lawn care website states how important that it is to reuse grass clippings.
Reducing water and fertilizer use is also is also important. Too much water and fertilizer can lead to too rapid of growth which will cause thatch.
Robotic lawn mowers use no gas or oil, they are very environmentally friendly. It is estimated that it costs only $7.00 a year to mow the average lawn with a robotic lawn mower. Mother Nature can't help but smile at that!
The Robotic lawn mower is a proven technology, with over 5 years of in-home use world wide.There are many websites with all kinds of information and dealers who are very knowledgeable how robotic lawn mowers can benefit homeowners.