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What you should know about Liquid Diets

Many people are looking for those quick ways to lose weight and liquid diets are very popular. Originally, a liquid diet was given to a patient before surgery. Today, liquid diets can be broken up into two different groups; low calorie diets and meal replacement diets.

A doctor may recommend the low calorie liquid diet if someone needs to lose a great deal of weight in a very short time. However, this form of diet is not recommended for long-term use even under the supervision of a doctor. The meal replacement liquid diet may take the place of a meal once or twice a day. This type of liquid diet is a little safer and one does not completely quit taking in solid foods.

A liquid diet may be made up of fresh fruit juices or vegetables. The juices can also be made into a shake form to help give some texture to the drink. Many other supplements can be added to the liquid mixture but you should be careful of what you add. Sugar and other flavors may discount the advantages of the liquid diet. Some diets will have you add antioxidant supplements. Still others may include other vitamins and minerals that your body needs to keep it working while you are on this type of diet.

Be careful when you get on a liquid diet because when you are done with it, the weight you lost will most likely come back very quickly if you are not extremely careful. Liquid diets can help you to meet a short-term goal but are not really a great way to lose the long-term weight you need to. If you make the liquid diet part of your regular routine, try to limit yourself to one meal replacement a day so that you do not starve your body of too much nutritional materials needed.
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