Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

Gain Impressive Conversion Percentages For Your Squeeze Page

If you have ever in your life used a squeeze page that totally failed to convert, then the problem was possibly the traffic source, your offer or the landing page elements, themselves. How well your offer converts your traffic is dependent on more factors than you may realize. But you do have to understand that everything could be in vain if the level of quality of your traffic is weak. Your list building campaigns will be misfiring and functioning at a high level of inefficiency. Over and above that, it is up to your squeeze page to do its job the best it can. There is a great deal to cover in this discussion, but for now we will share some powerful approaches to increase conversions.

The most essential steps you can take on any new landing page, or site for instance, is to test and optimize for the greatest conversions. This is really simple to do, and there is no excuse or reason to fall short to do this. All you are going to be doing is testing a single thing at a time, and you are doing this by rotating the page with a straightforward script called an URL rotator. One more simple script is good for click tracking, and that is necessary so you can calculate conversions. The first component you want to test is your landing page headline. When you have improved converson rates with that, then select one more thing to test next. This is the very easy procedure you must take in order to obtain the highest conversions.

The next component we want to talk about concerns your subscription freebie that you implement on your landing page. This really is the magnet that will entice people to it on the page and hopefully compel them to optin. Your site visitors must view what you want to exchange and be totally impressed with it. Don't forget that you do not always have to use an ebook, and in fact it may be better if you did not. Do something varied with it so they won't think they can quickly find the details for free on the net. Always stay away from hype, but you can nevertheless spell it out in genuine terms that will touch their emotions and feelings. Also, take notice to how you bundle your offer mainly because that will have a positive effect if it is appropriately done.

Let's discuss your optin box for a few moments because there are essential elements that are going to have either a positive or negative influence. Take the time and make or find an attractive button graphic they will click on to send the form. Never use what is provided to you by the service you go for your autoresponders. Furthermore, make very sure you don't use the same old button text that says something like, submit, for example. You want it to be distinct but also help to strengthen what people are getting. However, do steer clear from using blinking, leaping or otherwise moving buttons that only are likely to create a somewhat unprofessional impression.
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