- Discover the history of antique farm equipment.farm tracker image by nutech21 from Fotolia.com
You don't have to live in the country to collect antique farm equipment. You can find valuable farm equipment at flea markets, live auctions and online auctions. You might not have enough storage space to collect large equipment such as tractors or combines, but you can build a collection of antique farm tools and still have enough room in your garage to park your car. Learn how to identify and determine the value of antique farm equipment with help from these popular books. - Learn to identify antique farm equipment.farm implement image by Dennis Carrigan from Fotolia.com
You'll find 2,000 illustrations and concise descriptions of everything from alfalfa grinders to wagons in "The Encyclopedia of American Farm Implements & Antiques Second Edition," by C. H. Wendel. Many of the items presented in this book are from the author's own collection. Special features include tips on pricing and a lengthy section on trademarks. - Look in your toolbox for antiques.the tools image by Oleg Verbitsky from Fotolia.com
Peter Henderson operated a successful horticultural and agricultural business from 1871 to 1916. In 1898, he published an illustrated catalog of the farm equipment he had for sale. Not an antiques price guide or identification guide, this 2002 reprint of the original catalog, "Turn-of-the-Century Farm Tools and Implements" by Henderson & Co. provides a nostalgic look at nineteenth-century farm tools and equipment. - Conditions such as rust determine value.the antiques wheels image by Igor Shootov from Fotolia.com
Now in its second edition, "American Farm Collectibles: Identification and Price Guide," by Russell E. Lewis, continues to enlighten casual collectors as well as serious buyers and sellers. This hefty paperback book has 1,000 full-color photos of farm equipment, prices and information about the history of farming in the United States. - Farm wives sewed the family's clothing with foot-pedaled sewing machines.treadle sewing machine image by DSL from Fotolia.com
"American Family Farm Antiques," by Terri Clemens, a Midwest antique appraiser, focuses on antique farm equipment of interest to collectors. In addition to describing equipment used outdoors--tractors, combines and plows--she devotes several chapters to equipment farm wives used in their kitchens and sewing rooms. She includes a special picture glossary for city dwellers who can't tell the difference between a cow kicker and a whirligig. - Green and yellow John Deere tractors populate the American landscape.tractor image by JASON WINTER from Fotolia.com
Yes, there's even an antique tractor encyclopedia. "The John Deere Two-Cylinder Tractor Encyclopedia: The Complete Model-by-Model History," by Don Macmillan, concentrates on the technical aspects, rather than the monetary value, of two-cylinder tractor models manufactured by Deere & Company from 1914 to 1960. No prices in this book, but lots of tips for identifying these classic American icons.
1898 Catalog
Identification and Price Guide
A Book About Women's Work
John Deere Tractors