- Fire extinguishers are categorized according to the type of fire they will extinguish. A type A fire extinguisher contains water and can be used on combustible material fires, such as fabrics, wood or paper. A carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is type B and should be used on flammable liquid or electrical fires. Type C fire extinguishers contain dry chemical powder and should be used for electrical fires. Multipurpose fire extinguishers are labeled for use on A, B and C fires and can be used safely for any emergency fire in the home.
- Multipurpose dry chemical fire extinguishers are one of the best choices for home use. These extinguishers are available in different sizes, ranging from 5 lbs. up to 20 lbs. and can be used for type A, B or C fires. Using a multipurpose fire extinguisher means you will not have to spend critical time assessing the situation to determine which extinguisher to use if you are faced with an emergency fire in the home.
- Hot cooking oil fires need type K fire extinguishers.Jupiterimages/Goodshoot/Getty Images
Locate a type K fire extinguisher close to your cooking area as these extinguishers are specifically for burning oil fires. Cooking oils have very high heating rates, and deep fat fryer fires will soon spread if they are not controlled within the first few minutes. Type K fire extinguishers are used in commercial kitchens as standard fire extinguishers will not always extinguish fires in hot cooking oils. - You should familiarize yourself with techniques for fire fighting before any emergency situation arises. Ideally, attend fire fighter training to learn the basic methods of extinguishing fires.
Types of Fire Extinguishers
Best Home Fire Extinguishers
Type K Fire Extinguishers
Use of Fire Extinguishers