Health & Medical Sleep Disorders

Stop Snoring by Losing Weight

Ask anyone who has lived with a partner or family member who is a consistent snorer and they will tell you that a night of unbroken sleep facilitated by the absence of constant snoring is a priceless prize.
The majority of people, however, seem resigned to the idea that snoring is part of their fate.
They view being stuck with a snoring partner as 'bad luck', something that they have to put up with as best they can.
Despite this attitude, snoring can build resentment in the unfortunate spouse or partner, placing a strain on the relationship.
This is in addition to the lack of sleep and associated irritabilities that heavy snoring can cause.
There are, however, several potential solutions to the snoring problem that can be explored by snorers and their long-suffering partners.
In this article we will look at one particular line of thought for tackling the affliction of snoring, which might also provide additional health related benefits.
The idea that we will be discussing is that of losing excess weight and adopting a more active lifestyle.
It has long been thought that being overweight and leading a sedentary lifestyle can contribute significantly to a snoring problem.
Therefore losing weight may well reduce or even completely stop the heavy snoring, which can cause so much anguish.
The theory is that excess weight around the neck and chest areas creates added pressure on the muscles required for normal breathing while asleep.
This in turn can lead to snoring.
It is by no means the only cause of snoring, but it is one for which there is a considerable body of evidence.
So for many overweight people, slimming down can provide much needed relief from snoring.
We have already touched on the benefits that preventing snoring can provide to relationships, but of course losing weight will also provide other health advantages.
It may be that the individual will not have to lose a large amount of weight to see an improvement in the snoring condition.
A few lost pounds may be all it takes to reduce the snoring and provide a markedly more restful sleep for all concerned.
Therefore, an overweight snorer should not view this as an unattainable goal.
Indeed, the peace provided by lack or reduction of snoring should serve as motivation to continue along the path of a healthier lifestyle.
A fantastic way to induce weight loss and therefore improve the snoring condition is to incorporate exercise into one's daily schedule.
This has a double benefit, as being active is also thought to have a beneficial effect on snoring, possibly due to exercise making muscles and the breathing/respiration process more efficient.
Exercise does not necessarily mean sweating it out at the gym three or four times a week.
It can be as simple as walking more frequently, climbing the stairs instead of taking the lift at work, and so on.
You should start slowly and gradually build to a more active lifestyle.
Remember, it is always a good idea to consult your doctor before embarking upon an exercise routine.
Gradually work more activity into your life and your partner should notice an improvement in your snoring.
It is also important to eat a healthy diet.
This will have many benefits including your twin goals of weight reduction and to stop snoring.
It is not easy to break bad habits, but remember that snoring not only affects the snorer, but also the partner and in turn their relationship.
Visualising how pleased your partner will be with your efforts to provide them with the benefits of refreshing sleep induced by no snoring can be another tool to keep you motivated.
In conclusion, we have explored how losing weight, developing healthier eating habits and adopting a more active daily routine can help you to tackle the problem of snoring.
Not only that, but it will help to generate a healthier you in general.
If you suffer from snoring and are overweight or lead an inactive lifestyle, this approach is well worth considering in addition to any other remedy you may consider.
Stop snoring, develop a healthier you!
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