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How to Encourage Your Teen to Make Money Online

For years, thousands of people around the globe have already been taking advantage of the web to earn extra bucks.
Well, it is really not surprising anymore, because it is the most perfect way to really earn on the side, especially with this economy.
But do you know that you can now easily teach your kids to make money of their own by doing stuff online? Just think about how much you can save if they earn their own gas money and if they can contribute some for their college fund.
By teaching your kids how easy it is that they can find ways to get extra money online, the big burden of surviving this crisis financially can really be eased on your part.
But, how can you convince them to do it, that's the big question.
Most of teenagers today spend a lot of time being on the internet, checking their friends' status updates and blogging, so if you can convert even just half of that time into allowing them to make money on the web, they can surely earn a good couple of bucks daily.
As you may know, there are tons of ways to get extra money online.
The only thing is, not every one of these ways is suitable for minors.
However, there three good ways you can help them do.
Selling stuff online.
Online auctions are one of the best ways to get extra money online.
So, tell your kid that instead of holding an annual garage sale, why don't they just sell their old stuff in eBay instead? Then, tell them that even Shia LaBeouf's character in the Transformers films sell in eBay.
By putting in advertising links, your kid can surely make money from his or her blog.
The great thing here is that they can talk about almost anything they want to, and actually earn from it.
Tell them that a lot of famous stars actually write in their own blogs, like Hilary Duff, Paris Hilton, Zach Braff, and the Olsen twins.
These are just some of the ways to get extra money online.
Surely, with most of the methods following such popular trends, you won't find it hard to convince your teen to follow one of these ways to get extra money online.
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