Health & Medical Women's Health

A Christian Mothers Unfeigning Love

Mother, It seems you're gone.
I don't know quite what to say.
You brought so much to our lives that I couldn't even begin to explain..
my oldest friend of 37 years.
From the time I was old enough to know who you were I felt safe.
After dad left, you struggled as a single mom in the 70s for 10 years until you eventually remarried (because I needed a father), only to have your heart broken yet again...
but you had integrity.
No matter what was going on, you always did the right thing.
It must have been so hard, to watch your kids making so many bad decisions over the years.
Thank you for your prayers.
You never gave up on us or yourself.
You went to college, got your degree and enjoyed a wonderful career as a nurse.
Finally you married a pastor and finished out your lives together serving the LORD.
Through many trials and what sometimes seemed like endless suffering, you hung in there.
The both of you, used mightily of God...
until the wreck.
In one day, in less than an hour...
you were dead.
We will miss you both terribly but Mom...
I had to write you, to tell you, what a wonderful experience it has been to know you.
You're the strongest person that I've known in my entire life.
Consistent, like a rock you never flinched.
You always lived up to your own standards...
I am so humbled.
You taught me about honesty and all the things in life that really matter.
You were at every game.
I will never forget you.
Our relationship has always been very special to me.
I cherish the many, many fond memories and am grateful for your portion in my life.
You were graceful, charming, lovely, funny, caring, compassionate, forgiving, patient, all the things a mom "should" be.
Thank you so very much.
Emma, Crystal, Paul jr.
& Caleb send their love.
You and my Emma, who you so lovingly took under your wing, are the best Moms I've ever known.
I imagine that won't change...
love sonny boy.
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