Society & Culture & Entertainment Education

Monty Chadha on Bringing Awareness by Educating Mothers

The developing nations suffer from several social and economic issues. A large part of population, especially children, does not get proper meal to eat for three times a day. Millions of children continue to suffer from malnutrition in these countries. Non-profit organizations working towards the betterment of poor families have broadened its approach. They do not only fight against its impact but also stop it from happening in the first place.

Poverty is a world disease adds Monty Chadha. It is the root cause behind all major health issues. Sometimes infants are born with certain deficiencies due to lack of proper diet taken by mothers.

Ill-effects of Malnutrition on children according to Monty Chadha

Nutritional deficiencies cause irreparable damage, at times. It can affect brain-development in severe cases. It can have a devastating impact on both physical and mental abilities. Recent studies have shown that iron and protein-energy malnutrition would affect the intellectual prowess of an individual for the lifetime. It does not take a scientist to figure out how it would affect their performance at work during later stages of life.

World Health Organization (WHO) considers iron deficiency to be the primary nutrition-related problem in the world. It becomes difficult for the body to counter-attack infections and in some cases; it proves to be fatal in nature.

Ill-effects of Malnutrition on Adults

The long-term effects of protein-energy malnutrition result in chronic diseases. The list of health problems caused by deficiencies does not end at one point. Cereal products are the best recipe to consume proper amount of iron in diet. It does not cost much and it is easy to prepare.

Pregnancy is the right stage when proper attention must be paid to keep the mother and baby healthy. Health experts consider the two-year period right from the time the news is broken to infancy as the most crucial one. It is at this time when mothers need to focus on a healthy diet pattern.

Non-profit organizations and state authorities have been working together to educate people and bring awareness. The monster of malnutrition has grown out to be bigger than the original problem. It has taken hundreds of thousands of lives in the developing countries. It is a worrying sign for every single member of the society, irrespective of the situation which part of the world they live in. A health problem like iron deficiency and other malnutrition issues are man-made and it should be put to an end.


The whole world looks like an ailing society with ill-effects of malnutrition killing thousands of children in the developing countries every year.
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