Have you failed to have success treating your yeast infection in the past and think you have tried everything? It's not hard to find information on treating yeast infections, especially on the internet.
Some advice is not helpful, while other advice is just plain out crazy.
People that were getting yeast infections and treating them with natural cures long before drug companies exist.
Many people are aware that antibiotics can kill bacteria, but it cannot kill yeast and this is where the the natural yeast infection garlic cure comes into play.
Garlic or garlic oil can be used to cure many yeast infections.
Some of these infections include the skin, diaper rash, vaginal (the most common), penile, nail, and throat.
Garlic is an antifungal and decongestant all in one.
It can help increase our vitamin absorption and helps eliminate toxins from our body.
Garlic tends to be a perfect anti-yeast medicine as well.
A yeast infection garlic cure can really work when used properly.
When garlic is eaten raw, it is working at it's highest potential.
Some people cringe to the thought of eating garlic, but there are tricks to making it not so unpleasant.
If you can't stand the taste, use small cloves, or cut smaller pieces.
You can put these pieces into a salad or eat them whole.
Do not heat the garlic.
The active ingredient allicin can be destroyed by heat, making the garlic lose all it's purpose.
Just remember, any kind of treatment you undertake or recommend to anyone else should first be cleared by a health care professional.
Some advice is not helpful, while other advice is just plain out crazy.
People that were getting yeast infections and treating them with natural cures long before drug companies exist.
Many people are aware that antibiotics can kill bacteria, but it cannot kill yeast and this is where the the natural yeast infection garlic cure comes into play.
Garlic or garlic oil can be used to cure many yeast infections.
Some of these infections include the skin, diaper rash, vaginal (the most common), penile, nail, and throat.
Garlic is an antifungal and decongestant all in one.
It can help increase our vitamin absorption and helps eliminate toxins from our body.
Garlic tends to be a perfect anti-yeast medicine as well.
A yeast infection garlic cure can really work when used properly.
When garlic is eaten raw, it is working at it's highest potential.
Some people cringe to the thought of eating garlic, but there are tricks to making it not so unpleasant.
If you can't stand the taste, use small cloves, or cut smaller pieces.
You can put these pieces into a salad or eat them whole.
Do not heat the garlic.
The active ingredient allicin can be destroyed by heat, making the garlic lose all it's purpose.
Just remember, any kind of treatment you undertake or recommend to anyone else should first be cleared by a health care professional.