Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Using Dr. Scholls To Treat Genital Warts

Scholls Wart remover is sometimes used for genital wart removal.
The active ingredient in Dr.
Scholls is salicylic acid.
(This same ingredient can also be found in Compound W, Freezone and Wart Off.
) Salicylic acid breaks down the layers of the wart.
Salicylic acid has been used since ancient times.
The substance occurs in the bark of willow trees.
The name salicylic acid is derived from "salix," the Latin word for willow tree.
Most medical professionals frown on any over the counter treatment for genital warts, including Dr.
Scholls, because the strong chemicals contained in these medications can cause damage to the sensitive skin around the genitals.
If you decide to use Dr.
Scholls or another medication containing salicylic acid for your genital warts it is imperative that you follow the instructions on the label just as they are written.
Do not use more of the product than the label recommends.
If you use more than the recommended amount you could be at risk for salicylic acid poisoning.
Scholls and other salicylic acid medications should not be used on mucous membranes.
If you should accidentally get salicylic acid in your eyes or on other mucous membranes, immediately flush them with water for 15 consecutive minutes.
Scholls and similar products are applied directly to the affected area of the genital warts.
Consumers are then instructed to hydrate the skin in order to enhance the effects by applying warm water for 5 minutes prior to use.
Remove any loose tissue on or around the genital warts with a washcloth and dry thoroughly, When the area is completely dry, apply the Dr.
Scholls or other salicylic solution.
(After treatment with Dr.
Scholls, genital warts generally show improvement within one to two weeks.
) Using Dr.
Scholls for genital warts is not recommended for people with hypersensitivity to salicylic acid.
It should not be used by people with diabetes or impaired circulation.
It is not recommended for moles, birthmarks, warts with hair growing from them, irritated skin or any infected or reddened area.
Women who are pregnant should not use this medication because research has shown that strong chemical treatments for genital warts may cause birth defects.
Many people with genital warts choose over the counter medications like Dr.
Scholls to avoid the pain and embarrassment of a visit to the doctor.
Even after treatment, genital warts can reappear, sometimes in larger quantities than before.
It is important that infected patients keep a close eye for future outbreaks, and consult their doctor immediately when one occurs.
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