- 1). Use pantyhose in the bathroom. Cut the leg off about halfway down, slip soap slivers in and tie the stocking in a knot. This is a great scrubbie for kids and adults. The pantyhose is also a great body scrubber just scrunched up--even on your face--as it's just right for exfoliating. Hang a pair of pantyhose over the shower head and let the kids' toys dry inside. Cut these into strips and take off nail polish with them.
- 2). Clean the house with pantyhose. Scrunch them for polishing furniture or silver--they work great without scratching. You can also use old pantyhose to scrub the sink and bathtub without scratching. It cleans nicely. Fill a leg with cat litter and tie off to absorb dampness. Put a leg over the vacuum to find small objects without sucking them into the bag. Buff polished shoes and boots. Use the cut-off waistband to hold the garbage bag up in the basket. Store plastic grocery bags in one leg.
- 3). Check out these yard and garden uses. Use strips to stake plants, keep rolls of twisties or wire handy or hoses neat. Store garden bulbs--put one in and tie it, make a string and hang it where critters can't reach. Put a piece of pantyhose (the panty part is great too) in the bottom of potted plants so that dirt doesn't wash out when watering. Slip a leg over the pool skimmer to keep out hair. Put a stocking with old soap slivers by the faucet to use outdoors. Strain lumpy paint through a stretched piece of pantyhose.
- 4). Try them for traveling. Bring a few pair. Store jewelry tangle free in one leg, tying between each piece. Make emergency scrunchies for your hair, small sacks (just tie the ends of a piece) for the kids' shell or pebble collections, disposable sponges and tie downs for the trunk.
- 5). Use these all over. Put your fish bait in a piece of knotted pantyhose before putting it on the hook. The fish won't eat it and take off so easily. Tie up magazines and newspapers, tie wood to be toted and store rolls of wallpaper and gift wrap in them so they don't tear. Use them to stuff craft projects. Store your garlic and onions in them, tying between each one. Tie potpourri inside and hang in your closets or place in drawers. Fill with catnip and tie off for Kitty. Find more recycling ideas at the URL listed below.