Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Tretment of HIV/ AIDS in Ayurveda

According to the literary text of Ayurveda  the  term ‘Rajyakshma' is said to be ‘king of all disease'. It can be correlated with the modern HIV/AIDS. The symptoms and signs are identical in both of disease as described in text of Ayurveda , Astanga Hridaya (Chikitsa Sthan), Astanga Sangraha  as well as Charaka Samhita(Nidan Sthan). The treatment of  Rajyakhsma can be adopted for the treatment of HIV/AIDS.

The Symptoms include
  1. Excess loss of weight
  2. Fatigue and Lethargy
  3. Suseptible for Contagious and Allergic disease
  4. Irritation in skin
  5. Bronchial disease, often leading to TB
  6. Intestinal flora disorder, result in diarrhea, Dysentery, gastritis
  7. Fluctuation in bodily temperature

Root Causes of diseases are
  1. Unprotected sexual practice as Anal sex
  2. Unprotected intercourse with multiple partners
  3. Not cleaning genitals area after coitus
  4. Washing body with dirty, contaminated water
  5. Contaminated foods

Although AIDS and Rajyakshma  both are due to contagious issue. The symptoms and root cause are identical. The treatment line of Rajyakshma can be applied for modern war against HIV/AIDS.

As described in Ayurveda the treatment include  immnunity build up using tonics and  Rasayans(rejuvenators) and then selected medicines to counter the virus are used. Some text describe AJA MAMSA Rasayan (Prepared from Cow's milk, ghee, and an extract of goats meat) and Indukanta Gritham are given for better stimulate appetite and strengthen the body. The medicine described in Ayurveda for building immunity are used.

Rasasindoor preparation( Prepared with purified mercuty) is applied along with some medicines are used for impart strength. This regimes are followed for some months for 6 month atleast and usually shows good results, depending upon the stage of disease and parameters. The virus may be continue to lurk in body but further damage in the body can be prevented and immune response can be enhanced. Then individual can live his normal life span.

After the therapy if the patient begins to recover then Sodhana ( Elimination) technique is adopted to expel toxins from the body through Enemas, Purgation and Emesis process. The medicines administered at this stage are not hard, hot or drastic, but soft, ghee based and eco-friendly  are used so that patient can withstands with ease. The build of immunity cause blood purified with Cooling medication.

Blood purification technique later strengthening, non vegetarian diet along with ghee preparation and liquid soups recommended. But spicy, oily, acidic, unhygienic foods are avoided. The ayurvedic preparation of Alcohol is recommended as Anupana(Carrier)to aid the digestive process and to removes blockage in the blood vessesl. i.e Srothsodhan

The patient are suggested to bath twice or thrice daily with cold water , followed by application of sandalwood paste on the body. The bathing cause cooling in the body and clean the unhealthy body, The sandalwood paste purifies body  by penetrating the hair follicles of skin.

After all these therapy the heated blood in the blood vessel are said to be weaken and even destroy the virus in most of cases. In some patient if unable to exercise and incapable of running further Swedanam(Steam) is recommended.
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