Health & Medical Mental Health

Why take acute anxiety medication?

Acute anxiety is a condition, that is primarily mental, and is defined by having anxiety along with brief bursts of panic attacks. For the most part, some behaviors change too.Most people with acute anxiety symptoms have claimed that they have had at least one panic attack in their life and many confirm to have had more. It is counted that more than 2.1 % of the adult populus in USA has acute anxiety. Frequently, acute anxiety shows up before the age of 24.Men and women often develop acute anxiety when they experience something traumatic. Women are two times more prone to develop this condition.

Frequently, acute anxiety lasts only a few minutes or hours. Becoming moody and withdrawn while going through a panic attack is normal. It's possible to develop this condition by abnormal fear or worry. Those who go through panic attacks usually claim these moments to be the scariestpoints in their life. |People who have acute panic anxiety agree that it's very scary to go through an panic attack.}When having a panic attack, the person suffering the attack will have an overwhelming sense of loosing control and may have a strong urge to abandon the place where it started. This kind of attack is the reaction of the sympathetic nervous system or the commonly referred to as the "Flight or fight" response.

Many things can cause a man to have a panic attack. Things such as phobic disorders and major personal accident are some of the more common acute anxiety causes. Acute situational anxiety is the normal step after a person faces something extremely terrifying.This can also be true for a man who has gone through a major life even. Marijuana, mushrooms, medication, feelings of low self-worth, "what if thinking," and even coffee or nicotine can trigger acute anxiety depression. The condition can also run in the family or be caused by the surroundings.

The signs of acute anxiety treatment are categorized in four different categories, physical, perceptual, emotional and psych. Physical signs also exist. They are - claustrophobia, feeling of being choked, , sweating and others. The way a sufferer perceives the surroundings also changes. Time may seem to slow down or speed up, it may seem dream like or develop the so called tunnel vision. The emotional signs are terror, almost always a few fears and flash backs of the earlier trigger situations. Loss of control, extreme stress and fidgeting, feeling that everything is fall apart and inappropriate internal dialogue are just a few mental states that a sufferer goes through.

Help for panic attacks vary. It is best to seek out the help of a doctor. As experience has taught, there is no single acute anxiety cure. Often the sufferers are helped by a wide range of therapies.Medication is mostly very helpful in the initial stages of the condition.Most sufferers come to the realisation that medication only affect the symptoms and do not offer a cure.

At the end of the day most people who recover understand that they have acute anxiety syndrom and need to work on the improper ideas and feelings that cause the disorder. This can be done with the help of a doctor or via self help books and tapes. It's a relief to a lot of sufferers that acute anxiety is something people recover from, and that it's not life threatening at all.
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