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How to Optimize a Dynamic Website

Internet technologies and e-commerce are advanced now and still developing day by day.
As a result people prefer to have a dynamic website for their businesses or their online presence.
So for some webmasters or new search engine optimizers who have experience in doing SEO for a simple static websites becomes necessary to know also about how to optimize a Dynamic website? For successful SEO of a dynamic website it is require to have some complex search engine technology and methods that are substantially different and much more sophisticated than the SEO techniques used for ordinary, more conventional "static" web sites.
In this article you can find some useful and important tips for how to optimize a dynamic sites but first I would like to describe about what are Dynamic webpags or sites.
Introduction to Dynamic Websites: Now days often business websites are dynamic site means that the web pages are dynamically built pages that allow user interaction and online shopping cart is an example for that.
Dynamic sites are websites whose pages are generated on the fly and usually built with a programming language such as ASP, PHP or JAVA.
Often Dynamic sites are database-driven means that the site content is stored in a database and the dynamic code "pulls" the content from a database.
Problems in indexing Dynamic URLs: It is really difficult to get dynamic web sites properly indexed in the major search engines unless they are professionally optimized.
Even most search engines claim that they now index the majority of dynamic web sites but still only in some cases and it is limited to a number of URLs.
One of the most important reason behind having problem with dynamic sites to get indexed by major search engines is that Search engines often consider a dynamic URL as a set of infinite number of links.
Now days often dynamic web pages are created "on the fly" with various technologies such as ASP (Active Server Pages), Cold Fusion technology, JSP (Java Server Pages) and so on.
Now all these pages are user friendly and works very will for real users actually visiting the web site, but they usually create a mess with most search engine spiders.
The main reason behind it is because all dynamic pages do not even exist until a user actually goes through a query or variable that generates the pages.
Often search engine spiders are not programmed to select or choose any of query or variables.
In this way, those dynamic pages do not get generated and that is why do not get to be indexed.
One of the main difficulties with search engine spiders are that they cannot read and are not trained to understand any of the dynamic databases of URLs which either contain a query string delimited by a question mark or any other database characters (#&*!%) that refers to as "spider traps.
" Once a search engine spider falls into any of those traps, it usually spells bad news for that dynamic web site.
As a direct consequence that most search crawlers have significant problems "reading" any level into a typical dynamic database, most of these search engine spiders have been programmed to initially detect and then ignore most dynamic URLs.
How to optimize a dynamic site to get it indexed by major SE's: 1.
Using URL Rewriting Tools or Softwares
- There are some URL Rewriting Tools and software available on the web that converts a dynamic URL to Static URLs.
So it is better to use these tools to convert a dynamic URL of your site to Static URL.
For an example- Exception Digital Enterprise Solutions offers software that helps to change the dynamic URLs to static ones.
In this way, changing a dynamic URL to static one helps it to get easily indexed by Google.
Using CGI/Perl Scripts
- Using CGI/Perl scripts is one of the easiest ways to get your dynamic sites indexed by web crawlers.
Path_Info or Script_Name is a variable in a dynamic application that contains the complete URL address.
In order to correct this problem, it is needed to write a script that will pull all the information before the query string and set the rest of the information equal to a variable.
When you are using CGI/Perl scripts, the query part of the dynamic URL is assigned a variable.
So, in the above example "?id=586" is assigned a variable, say "X".
The dynamic URL [http://www.
asp?id=586] will change to- [http://www.
com/productname/A ] through CGI/Perl scripts that can be easily indexed by the search engines.
Managing Web Servers-
Apache Server - Apache has a rewrite module that enables you to turn URLs containing query strings into URLs that search engines can index.
This module however, isn't installed with Apache software by default, so you need to check with your web hosting company for installation.
ColdFusion - It is needed to reconfigure ColdFusion on your server so that the "?" in a query string is replaced with a '/' and pass the value to the URL.
Static Page linked dynamic Pages
- Creating a Static Page that linked to an array of dynamic Pages becomes very effective especially in case you are the owner of a small online store.
Initially just create a static page linking to all your dynamic pages.
And optimize this static page for search engine rankings.
Make sure to include a link title for all the product categories, place appropriate "alt" tag for the product images along with product description containing highly popular keywords relevant to your business.
Submit this static page to various major search engines including all the dynamic pages as per the guidelines for search engine submission.
In this way if you are going to optimize a dynamic website then all above tips can help you to successfully optimize your website and your site will get indexed by major search engines without facing any problem and you have a great chance to take your site among top ranks on major search engines.
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