If you find yourself in a financial limbo, ask yourself the following questions: - Why am I putting it off? - What do I have to fear by not doing it? - What type of pleasure do I receive by indulging in procrastination? - What will it cost me if I don't do it now? Take this information and apply it to the following simple steps toward getting started in financial planning: Make the decision to MAKE a decision - Sounds silly? Making a decision is often the hardest step.
But if you break it up into simple little steps, you'll find decision-making easy and far from intimidating.
Be flexible - You don't live in just a black-and-white environment.
You need to allow for some grey areas, which often disguise themselves as mistakes.
Although mistakes come from making the wrong decision, they create experiences you can learn from, and that might help you make the RIGHT decision next time! Enjoy making decisions - Making decisions can be a blast! For example, if your mistakes help you learn to make better decisions, and your next decision turns out to be a great opportunity, wouldn't you have enjoyed making that decision? Create short-term and long-term goals - Many people plan for their financial futures by working so hard today that by the time they reach their long-term goals, they're exhausted and have forgotten why they worked so hard to get there.
Long-term goals are important but so are short-term goals.
Creating short-term goals will give you a sense of accomplishment or satisfaction! Do your homework - It'll be more fun that studying for that geometry test you prepared so hard for in high school! Doing your homework in the money world will allow you to make your money work as hard for you as you do for it.
But if you break it up into simple little steps, you'll find decision-making easy and far from intimidating.
Be flexible - You don't live in just a black-and-white environment.
You need to allow for some grey areas, which often disguise themselves as mistakes.
Although mistakes come from making the wrong decision, they create experiences you can learn from, and that might help you make the RIGHT decision next time! Enjoy making decisions - Making decisions can be a blast! For example, if your mistakes help you learn to make better decisions, and your next decision turns out to be a great opportunity, wouldn't you have enjoyed making that decision? Create short-term and long-term goals - Many people plan for their financial futures by working so hard today that by the time they reach their long-term goals, they're exhausted and have forgotten why they worked so hard to get there.
Long-term goals are important but so are short-term goals.
Creating short-term goals will give you a sense of accomplishment or satisfaction! Do your homework - It'll be more fun that studying for that geometry test you prepared so hard for in high school! Doing your homework in the money world will allow you to make your money work as hard for you as you do for it.