These days a fair portion of the population can put their hands on a video camera to record a YouTube video.
These cameras can come in many forms, such as the traditional handycam, built-in cameras incorporated in the computer, external webcams, and mobile phones - all with the capability to produce video imagery suitable for the web.
But what if you don't have any of the above? Step 1.
Write Your Sales Copy.
Remember, you want to create curiosity with your video, which will ultimately entice the viewer to go to your website at the completion of the video.
This sales letter does not have to be too long, as if the video is too long, you will lose your audience before the end of the video.
Step 2.
With Your Sales Copy in mind, think of some illustrations that may complement your presentation.
To find your illustrations, I prefer bing.
Simply type a description of what you are looking for in the Search Tab.
Once you have found the illustration has been found that will be suited, it is a case of right-clicking and saving the image to a folder on the your desktop.
I recommend you call the New Folder something appropriate for quick recognition.
A quicker way of capturing the image is a fantastic piece of software called SnagIt.
This powerful piece of software gives greater flexibility in editing the image by clipping the image, adding word bubbles to the image or even creating custom borders on the image.
Now you have your Sales Copy and Images, it's time to start collating it all together.
Step 3.
Using Microsoft PowerPoint, Open a New Project.
I always place a copy of the logo of the product I am promoting on the first Tile, accompanied by the URL you are wanting people to go to after the video.
If you are importing your images from your desktop, it is a simple task of uploading the image to the respective Tile.
For Snagit users, all you need to do it Copy and Paste the image.
Resize the images to their desired size, and place your text to the style and size you desire.
Remember not to put too much type on the Tile.
You are wanting to grab the viewers attention with interesting points of fact, not explain every point in fine detail.
Once your PowerPoint presentation is complete, save this project as a JPEG file.
Step 4.
I recommend using a website called OneTrueMedia.
com to create your YouTube video.
On opening this website, you will be urged to Create New Montage.
It is simply a matter of uploading the PowerPoint presentation you have just saved as a jpeg file.
This will take a few minutes to complete.
Once the upload has finished, you will be wanting to edit the montage.
Click the Edit button.
Ensure the slides are in the correct order.
It is here that you can set: - Slide duration (time it will display) - Effects (Zoom In, Zoom Out, Pan Right to Left, Pan Left to Right, Pan Up to Down, Pan Down to Up) - Transition (what effect will occur during the change of slides).
Once you are happy with all of this, Hit Preview to see your montage.
Next to the Preview box you will see a button marked Themes.
This section is pretty cool.
Click the All button, and explore the many themes available for your use.
When you have chosen your theme, add the music which will complement your video.
Remember to always change the name of your montage to something which is keyword rich.
Step 5.
Now you have finalised your video, it is time to share it with the wide world.
Click the Share button.
Social media outlets such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace are then easily accessible for instant downloads to the respective sites.
These cameras can come in many forms, such as the traditional handycam, built-in cameras incorporated in the computer, external webcams, and mobile phones - all with the capability to produce video imagery suitable for the web.
But what if you don't have any of the above? Step 1.
Write Your Sales Copy.
Remember, you want to create curiosity with your video, which will ultimately entice the viewer to go to your website at the completion of the video.
This sales letter does not have to be too long, as if the video is too long, you will lose your audience before the end of the video.
Step 2.
With Your Sales Copy in mind, think of some illustrations that may complement your presentation.
To find your illustrations, I prefer bing.
Simply type a description of what you are looking for in the Search Tab.
Once you have found the illustration has been found that will be suited, it is a case of right-clicking and saving the image to a folder on the your desktop.
I recommend you call the New Folder something appropriate for quick recognition.
A quicker way of capturing the image is a fantastic piece of software called SnagIt.
This powerful piece of software gives greater flexibility in editing the image by clipping the image, adding word bubbles to the image or even creating custom borders on the image.
Now you have your Sales Copy and Images, it's time to start collating it all together.
Step 3.
Using Microsoft PowerPoint, Open a New Project.
I always place a copy of the logo of the product I am promoting on the first Tile, accompanied by the URL you are wanting people to go to after the video.
If you are importing your images from your desktop, it is a simple task of uploading the image to the respective Tile.
For Snagit users, all you need to do it Copy and Paste the image.
Resize the images to their desired size, and place your text to the style and size you desire.
Remember not to put too much type on the Tile.
You are wanting to grab the viewers attention with interesting points of fact, not explain every point in fine detail.
Once your PowerPoint presentation is complete, save this project as a JPEG file.
Step 4.
I recommend using a website called OneTrueMedia.
com to create your YouTube video.
On opening this website, you will be urged to Create New Montage.
It is simply a matter of uploading the PowerPoint presentation you have just saved as a jpeg file.
This will take a few minutes to complete.
Once the upload has finished, you will be wanting to edit the montage.
Click the Edit button.
Ensure the slides are in the correct order.
It is here that you can set: - Slide duration (time it will display) - Effects (Zoom In, Zoom Out, Pan Right to Left, Pan Left to Right, Pan Up to Down, Pan Down to Up) - Transition (what effect will occur during the change of slides).
Once you are happy with all of this, Hit Preview to see your montage.
Next to the Preview box you will see a button marked Themes.
This section is pretty cool.
Click the All button, and explore the many themes available for your use.
When you have chosen your theme, add the music which will complement your video.
Remember to always change the name of your montage to something which is keyword rich.
Step 5.
Now you have finalised your video, it is time to share it with the wide world.
Click the Share button.
Social media outlets such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace are then easily accessible for instant downloads to the respective sites.