Health & Medical Children & Kid Health


Updated March 05, 2015.


A UTI (urinary tract infection) is an infection that involves the kidney (pyelonephritis), bladder (cystitis) or asymptomatic bacteriuria, when children have bacteria in their urine but no symptoms.

Classic symptoms can include painful, burning urination (dysuria); frequent urination; cloudy urine; fever; and back pain. Younger infants and toddlers may just have fever and irritability.

If you ever think that your child might have a UTI, a visit to your pediatrician, who will likely perform a urinalysis and urine culture, would be a good idea.

Also Known As: Urinary Tract Infection

Alternate Spellings: Bladder Infection

Examples: A child with a UTI may start complaining of burning when she urinates and start having accidents, when before, she had been fully potty trained.
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