Health & Medical Adolescent Health

Growing Up With Faith - Reasons Why Teenagers Need Faith

Children have concerns about things just as adults, it might not be on the level that adults have but still it is important to them.
They will need help with whatever concern that they have so they will need to know about faith.
Proverb 22:6 says train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.
We are instructed to train up our children in faith early in life because they will face obstacles along the way and if they know what they should do about a matter then it would make it a lot easier for them.
I am not saying that they will not have problems but if they know what the word of God say then their ordeal will be less painful.
There is a gap between a parent and their child so in that gap things change.
What concerned us when we were children may not be a concern in our children generation and what concerns them now, probably was not a concern for us but we both needed faith to resolve the issue.
I did not grow up in a household of faith.
I came into faith when I became grown and by that time, I had lived under the influence of the world so it was difficult for me to believe.
My mind was worldly because it was not trained in faith early in my life so there was a battle in my mind against the world and the spirit.
Often I would do the worldly things because I was more accustom to it but nothing was resolved and I would end up repeating the same things.
When I became saved, I did not have a foundation to build on because I was not taught anything as a youth so basically, I had to start from scratch.
It is harder that way but it can be done.
One of the most important reasons why teenagers need faith is because they are at the point of making decisions for themselves and what they decide can last a long time whether it is good or bad.
Another reason why they need faith is because most of them want to be and do like their peers but it might not be the right thing to do.
Faith will keep them from doing the wrong things.
If they would learn to trust God for their provision then they will not rely on their own strength and abilities.
They would understand that by the spirit of the Lord they can have what they want so they will not toil to not avail.
They would rest in the Lord and wait upon His salvation.
When a child is taught faith early, he will also learn what is right and what is wrong.
He would learn to choose rightly and that will build character in him.
Faith teaches us to be patience and that is the one thing that teenagers lack.
They want what they want right away and would pout if they cannot get it.
This is impatience and it is not a fruit of the spirit.
Having faith in the Lord makes our life a lot better and it will make their life a lot better if they learn it early so as parents we should plant the seed of faith in our children lives because we want them to prosper and faith will open the door for that prosperity.
By Lizzie Ducking
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